As an enterprise user, SD-WAN Orchestrator allows you to configure a number of network services such as Edge Cluster, Non SD-WAN Destinations, Cloud Security Service (CSS), VNFs and so on from Configure > Network Services.

Note: If you are logged in using a user ID that has Customer Support privileges, you will only be able to view SD-WAN Orchestrator objects. You will not be able to create new objects or configure/update existing ones.
You can configure the following Network Services:
  • Edge Cluster
  • Cloud VPN Hubs
  • Non SD-WAN Destinations via Gateway
  • Non SD-WAN Destinations via Edge
  • Cloud Security Service
  • VNFs
  • VNF Licenses
  • DNS Services
  • Netflow Settings
  • Private Network Names
  • Authentication Services
  • IaaS Subscriptions
Note: Configuring Network Services are optional and can be configured in any order.
Note: SD-WAN Orchestrator does not allow you to configure Cloud VPN Hubs from the Services screen, but it provides a summary of all configured SD-WAN Edge. The summary information includes edge type, profile where the edge is used, segment, whether the edge is a VPN Hub or/and a Backhaul Hub.