Based on the Access Level configured, you can run the following CLI commands:

Note: Run the help <command name> to view a brief description of the command.
Commands Description Access Level = Basic Access Level = Priviledged
Interaction Commands
help Displays a list of available commands. Yes Yes
pagination Paginates the output. Yes Yes
clear Clears the screen. Yes Yes
eof Exits the secure Edge CLI. Yes Yes
Debug Commands
edgeinfo Displays the Edge’s hardware and firmware information. For a sample output of the command, see edgeinfo. Yes Yes
seainfo Displays details about the secure Edge access of the user. For a sample output of the command, see seainfo. Yes Yes
ping, ping6 Pings a URL or an IP address. Yes Yes
tcpdump Displays TCP/IP and other packets being transmitted or received over a network to which the Edge is attached. For a sample output of the command, see tcpdump. Yes Yes
pcap Captures the packet data pulled from the network traffic and prints the data to a file. For a sample output of the command, see pcap. Yes Yes
debug Runs the debug commands for Edges. Run debug -h to view a list of available commands and options. For a sample output of one of the debug commands, see debug --dpdk_ports_dump. Yes Yes
diag Runs the remote diagnostics commands. Run diag -h to view a list of available commands and options. For a sample output of one of the diag commands, see diag ARP_DUMP. Yes Yes
ifstatus Fetches the status of all interfaces. For a sample output of the command, see ifstatus. Yes Yes
getwanconfig Fetches the configuration details of all WAN interfaces. Use the logical names such as "GE3" or "GE4" as arguments to fetch the configuration details of that interface. Do not use the physical names such as "ge3" or "ge4" of the WAN interfaces. For example, run getwanconfig GE3 to view the configuration details of the GE3 WAN interface. Run the ifstatus command to know the interface name mappings. For a sample output of the command, see getwanconfig. Yes Yes
Configuration Command
setwanconfig Configures WAN interfaces (wired interfaces only). Run setwanconfig -h to view configuration options. Yes Yes
Edge Actions Commands
deactivate Deactivates the Edges and reapplies the initial default configuration. No Yes
restart Restarts the SD-WAN service. No Yes
reboot Reboots the Edge. No Yes
shutdown Powers off the Edge. No Yes
hardreset Deactivates the Edges, restores the Edge’s default configuration, and restores original software version. No Yes
edged Enables or disables the Edge processes. No Yes
restartdhcpserver Restarts the DHCP server. No Yes
Linux Shell Command
shell Takes you into the Linux shell. Type exit to return to the secure Edge CLI. No Yes