The VeloCloud Quality of Experience (QoE) tab shows the VeloCloud Quality Score (VQS) for different applications. The VQS rates an application's quality of experience that a network can deliver for a period of time. See sections below for more information.

Traffic Type

There are three different traffic types that you can monitor (Voice, Video, and Transactional) in the QoE tab. You can hover over a WAN network link, or the aggregate link provided by the VeloCloud to display a summary of Latency, Jitter, and Packet Loss (see image below).


VeloCloud Quality Score

The VeloCloud Quality Score (VQS) rates an application's quality of experience that a network can deliver for a given time frame. Some examples of applications are: video, voice, and transactional. QoE rating options are shown in the table below.

Rating Color Rating Option Definition
Green Good All metrics are better than the objective thresholds. Application SLA met/exceeded.
Yellow Fair Some or all metrics are between the objective and maximum values. Application SLA is partially met.
Red Poor Some or all metrics have reached or exceeded the maximum value. Application SLA is not met.

QoE Example

The two QoE example images below show three before and after voice traffic scenario problems and how VeloCloud solved them. See the table below for more information. (The red numbers in the images below represent the scenario numbers in the table below).

QoE Example Table

Scenario Issue VeloCloud Solution
1 MPLS is down Link steering
2 Packet loss Forward error correction
3 MPLS is down; Jitter on Comcast Link steering and jitter buffering

Scenario 1 and 2: Link Steering and Forward Error Correction Solution Example


Scenario 3: Link Steering and Jitter Buffering Solution Example
