This section describes how to obtain Amazon Web Services configuration details.

When using Amazon Web Services for your configurations, refer to the instructions in Amazon's documentation (Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Network Administrator Guide), which can be found at: Reference the following section, "Example: Generic Customer Gateway without Border Gateway" on page 79 for specific configuration instructions .

  1. From Amazon's Web Services, create VPC and VPN Connections. (See section above for the link on how to access the Amazon Web Services to complete this step).
  2. Make note of the VeloCloud gateways associated with the enterprise account in the VeloCloud Orchestrator that might be needed to create a virtual private gateway in the Amazon Web Services.
  3. Make a note of the Public IP, Inside IP and PSK details associated with the Virtual Private Gateway. You will enter this information in the VeloCloud Orchestrator when you create a Non-VeloCloud Site.