A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a virtual private network in which you can deploy your cloud resources. The Cloud resources cannot be directly deployed in a VPC. They must be deployed in a VSwitch (subnet) of the VPC.


Ensure you have an AliCloud account and login information.


  1. Log on to the VPC console.
  2. Select the region in which you want to create a VPC.
    The VPC must be in the same region as the cloud resources that you want to deploy.
  3. In the left navigation pane, click VPCs.
  4. On the VPC page, click Create VPC.
    The Create VPC page appears.
  5. On the Create VPC page, set the following parameters, and then click OK.
    1. In the Name text box, enter the name for the VPC.
    2. Under IPv4 CIDR Block, select one of the following options:
      • Default CIDR Block: Select,, or
      • Custom CIDR Block: Select,,, or their subnets. The CIDR block mask must be 8 to 24 bits in length.

    During VPC creation itself, you can create one or more VSwitches by clicking the + Add button. For more information about creating a VSwitch, see Create a VSwitch.

    Note: After the VPC is created, you cannot change its IPv4 CIDR block.

What to do next