This section describes system properties for authentication.

You must first define system properties for the VCO to communicate with the Radius server. To define a system property, go to the System Properties screen, and click the New System Property button.

The four system properties that must be defined for Radius authentication are listed below. See the images below for dialog examples of System Properties 1 and 2.

Property #1: vco.enterprise.authentication.radius

Property #2: vco.enterprise.authentication.mode

Property #3: vco.operator.authentication.radius

Property #4: vco.operator.authentication.mode

System Property #1 Dialog Example for Enterprise authentication


System Property #2 Dialog Example for Enterprise authentication


The following image shows an example of fully configured system properties.


After the system properties have been defined, you can configure the Operator and the Enterprise authentication on the VCO. From the Orchestrator Authentication screen, choose Radius as the authentication mode.
