The following table describes all the possible VMware SD-WAN Edge events that could be exported to syslog collectors.

Events Severity Description
BW_UNMEASURABLE ALERT Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when the path bandwidth is unmeasurable.
EDGE_BIOS_UPDATE_FAILED ERROR Generated by script when SD-WAN Edge BIOS is updated.
EDGE_BIOS_UPDATED INFO Generated by script when SD-WAN Edge BIOS update failed.
EDGE_CONSOLE_LOGIN INFO Generated by a SD-WAN Edge during login via console port.
EDGE_DEACTIVATED WARNING Generated when a SD-WAN Edge has all its configuration cleared and is not associated with a customer site. The software build remains unchanged.
EDGE_DHCP_BAD_OPTION WARNING Generated when the SD-WAN Edge is configured with an invalid DHCP option.
EDGE_DISK_IO_ERROR WARNING Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when the Disk IO error has occurred during upgrade/downgrade.
EDGE_DISK_READONLY CRITICAL Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when a Disk turns to read-only mode.
EDGE_DNSMASQ_FAILED ERROR Generated when Dnsmasq service failed.
EDGE_DOT1X_SERVICE_DISABLED WARNING, CRITICAL Generated by vc_procmon when the SD-WAN Edge 802.1x service is disabled.
EDGE_DOT1X_SERVICE_FAILED ERROR Generated by vc_procmon when the SD-WAN Edge 802.1x service failed.
EDGE_HARD_RESET WARNING Generated when user has initiated SD-WAN Edge hard reset.
EDGE_HEALTH_ALERT EMERGENCY Generated by the SD-WAN Edge when the data plane is unable to allocate necessary resources for packet processing.
EDGE_INTERFACE_DOWN INFO Generated by hotplug scripts when the interface is down.
EDGE_INTERFACE_UP INFO Generated by hotplug scripts when the interface is up.

Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when the Edge operating system has encountered a critical exception and must reboot the Edge to recover. An Edge reboot is disruptive to customer traffic for 2-3 minutes while the Edge completes the reboot.

EDGE_L2_LOOP_DETECTED ERROR Generated when SD-WAN EdgeL2 loop is detected.
EDGE_LED_SERVICE_DISABLED WARNING, CRITICAL Generated by vc_procmon when the SD-WAN Edge LED service is disabled.
EDGE_LED_SERVICE_FAILED ERROR Generated by vc_procmon when the SD-WAN Edge LED service failed.
EDGE_LOCALUI_LOGIN INFO Generated when LOCAL UI login is successful for a user.

Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when the Resource Monitor process detects Edge memory utilization has exceeded defined thresholds and reaches 70% threshold. The Resource Monitor waits for 90 seconds to allow the edged process to recover from a possible temporary spike in memory usage. If memory usage persists at a 70% or higher level for more than 90 seconds, the Edge will generate this error message and send this event to the Orchestrator.


Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when the Resource Monitor process detects Edge memory utilization is 50% or more of the available memory. This event will be sent to the Orchestrator every 60 minutes until the memory usage drops under the 50% threshold.

EDGE_MGD_SERVICE_DISABLED CRITICAL, WARNING Generated by vc_procmon when mgd is unable to start or disabled for too many failures.
EDGE_MGD_SERVICE_FAILED ERROR Generated by vc_procmon when the mgd service failed.
EDGE_NEW_DEVICE INFO Generated when a new DHCP client is identified by processing the DHCP request.
EDGE_NEW_USER INFO Generated when a new client user is added.
EDGE_OSPF_NSM INFO Generated by the SD-WAN Edge when the OSPF Neighbor state Machine (NSM) state occurred.
EDGE_REBOOTING WARNING Generated when a user has initiated SD-WAN Edge reboot.
EDGE_RESTARTING WARNING Generated when a user has initiated SD-WAN Edge service restart.
EDGE_SERVICE_DISABLED WARNING Generated when the SD-WAN Edge data plane service is disabled.
EDGE_SERVICE_ENABLED WARNING Generated when the SD-WAN Edge data plane service is enabled.
EDGE_SERVICE_FAILED ERROR Generated when the SD-WAN Edge data plane service failed.
EDGE_SHUTTING_DOWN WARNING Generated when a SD-WAN Edge is shutting down.
EDGE_STARTUP INFO Generated when a SD-WAN Edge is running in mgmt-only mode.
EDGE_SSH_LOGI INFO Generated by a SD-WAN Edge during login via SSH protocol.

Generated when a SD-WAN Edge has reached its maximum tunnel capacity.

EDGE_VNFD_SERVICE_DISABLED WARNING, CRITICAL Generated by vc_procmon when the Edge VNFD service is disabled.
EDGE_VNFD_SERVICE_FAILED ERROR Generated by vc_procmon when the Edge VNFD service failed.
FLOOD_ATTACK_DETECTED INFO Generated when a malicious host floods the SD-WAN Edge with new connections.
HA_FAILED INFO HA Peer State Unknown -Generated when the Standby Edge has not sent a heartbeat response and only one of the two HA Edges is communicating with the Orchestrator and Gateways.
HA_GOING_ACTIVE INFO An HA failover. Generated when the Active High Availability (HA) Edge has been marked as down and the Standby is brought up to be the Active.
HA_INTF_STATE_CHANGED ALERT Generated when the HA Interface state is changed to Active.
HA_READY INFO Generated when both the Active and Standby Edges are up and synchronized.
HA_STANDBY_ACTIVATED INFO Generated when the HA Standby Edge has accepted the activation key, downloaded its configuration, and updated its software build.
HA_TERMINATED INFO Generated when HA has been disabled on a SD-WAN Edge.
INVALID_JSON CRITICAL Generated when a SD-WAN Edge received an invalid response from MGD.
IP_SLA_PROBE Up = INFO, Down = ALERT Generated when an IP ICMP Probe state change.
IP_SLA_RESPONDER Up = INFO, Down = ALERT Generated when an IP ICMP Responder state change.
LINK_ALIVE INFO Generated when a WAN link is no longer DEAD.
LINK_DEAD ALERT Generated when all tunnels established on the WAN link have received no packets for at least seven seconds.
LINK_MTU INFO Generated when WAN link MTU is discovered.
LINK_UNUSABLE ALERT Generated when WAN link transitions to UNUSABLE state.
LINK_USABLE INFO Generated when WAN link transitions to USABLE state.
MGD_ACTIVATION_ERROR ERROR Generated when a SD-WAN Edge activation failed. Either the activation link was not correct, or the configuration was not successfully downloaded to the Edge.
MGD_ACTIVATION_PARTIAL INFO Generated when a SD-WAN Edge is activated partially, but a software update failed.
MGD_ACTIVATION_SUCCESS INFO Generated when a SD-WAN Edge has been activated successfully.
MGD_CONF_APPLIED INFO Generated when a configuration change made on the Orchestrator has been pushed to SD-WAN Edge and is successfully applied.
MGD_CONF_FAILED INFO Generated when the SD-WAN Edge failed to apply a configuration change made on the Orchestrator.
MGD_CONF_ROLLBACK INFO Generated when a configuration policy sent from the Orchestrator had to be rolled back because it destabilized the SD-WAN Edge.
MGD_CONF_UPDATE_INVALID INFO Generated when a SD-WAN Edge has been assigned an Operator Profile with an invalid software image that the Edge cannot use.
MGD_DEACTIVATED INFO Generated when a SD-WAN Edge is deactivated based on user request by mgd.
MGD_DEVICE_CONFIG_WARNING/ERROR WARNING, INFO Generated when an inconsistent/invalid device setting is detected.
MGD_DIAG_REBOOT INFO Generated when a SD-WAN Edge is rebooted by a Remote Action from the Orchestrator.
MGD_DIAG_RESTART INFO Generated when the data plane service on the SD-WAN Edge is restarted by a Remote Action from the Orchestrator.
MGD_EMERG_REBOOT CRITICAL Generated when a SD-WAN Edge is rebooted to recover from stuck processes by vc_procmon.
MGD_ENTER_LIVE_MODE DEBUG Generated when the management service on a SD-WAN Edge is entering the LIVE mode.
MGD_EXIT_LIVE_MODE DEBUG Generated when the management service on a SD-WAN Edge is exiting the LIVE mode.
MGD_EXITING INFO Generated when the management service on a SD-WAN Edge is shutting down for a restart.
MGD_EXTEND_LIVE_MODE DEBUG Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Live mode is extended.
MGD_FLOW_STATS_PUSH_FAILED DEBUG Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Flow stats pushed to Orchestrator failed.
MGD_FLOW_STATS_PUSH_SUCCEEDED DEBUG Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Flow stats pushed to Orchestrator succeeded.
MGD_FLOW_STATS_QUEUED INFO Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Flow stats pushed to Orchestrator is queued.
MGD_HARD_RESET INFO Generated when a SD-WAN Edge is restored to its factory-default software and configuration.
MGD_HEALTH_STATS_PUSH_FAILED DEBUG Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Health stats pushed to Orchestrator failed.
MGD_HEALTH_STATS_PUSH_SUCCEEDED DEBUG Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Health stats pushed to Orchestrator succeeded.
MGD_HEALTH_STATS_QUEUED INFO Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Health stats pushed to Orchestrator is queued.
MGD_HEARTBEAT INFO Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Heartbeat is generated to Orchestrator.
MGD_HEARTBEAT_FAILURE INFO Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when generated Heartbeat to Orchestrator failed.
MGD_HEARTBEAT_SUCCESS INFO Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when generated Heartbeat to Orchestrator succeeded.
MGD_INVALID_VCO_ADDRESS WARNING Generated when an invalid address for Orchestrator was sent in a management plane policy update and was ignored.
MGD_LINK_STATS_PUSH_FAILED DEBUG Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Link stats pushed to Orchestrator failed.
MGD_LINK_STATS_PUSH_SUCCEEDED DEBUG Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Link stats pushed to Orchestrator succeeded.
MGD_LINK_STATS_QUEUED INFO Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Link stats pushed to Orchestrator is queued.
MGD_LIVE_ACTION_FAILED DEBUG Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Live Action failed.
MGD_LIVE_ACTION_REQUEST DEBUG Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Live Action is requested.
MGD_LIVE_ACTION_SUCCEEDED DEBUG Generated by a SD-WAN Edge when Live Action is succeeded.
MGD_NETWORK_MGMT_IF_BROKEN ALERT Generated when the Management network is set up incorrectly.
MGD_NETWORK_MGMT_IF_FIXED WARNING Generated when a Network is restarted twice to fix the Management Network inconsistency.
MGD_NETWORK_SETTINGS_UPDATED INFO Generated when new network settings are applied to a SD-WAN Edge.
MGD_SET_CERT_FAIL ERROR Generated when the installation of a new PKI certificate for Orchestrator communication on a SD-WAN Edge has failed.
MGD_SET_CERT_SUCCESS INFO Generated when a new PKI certificate for Orchestrator communication is installed successfully on a SD-WAN Edge.
MGD_SHUTDOWN INFO Generated when the SD-WAN Edge diagnostic shutdown based on user request.
MGD_START INFO Generated when the management daemon on the SD-WAN Edge has started.
MGD_SWUP_DOWNLOAD_FAILED ERROR Generated when the download of an Edge software update image has failed.
MGD_SWUP_DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED DEBUG Generated when the download of an Edge software update image has succeeded.
MGD_SWUP_IGNORED_UPDATE INFO Generated when a software update is ignored at the activation time, because SD-WAN Edge is already running that version.
MGD_SWUP_INSTALL_FAILED ERROR Generated when a software update installation failed.
MGD_SWUP_INSTALLED INFO Generated when a software update was successfully downloaded and installed.
MGD_SWUP_INVALID_SWUPDATE WARNING Generated when a software update package received from the Orchestrator is invalid.
MGD_SWUP_REBOOT INFO Generated when the SD-WAN Edge is being rebooted after a software update.
MGD_SWUP_STANDBY_UPDATE_FAILED ERROR Generated when a software update of the standby HA Edge failed.
MGD_SWUP_STANDBY_UPDATE_START INFO Generated when the HA standby software update has started.
MGD_SWUP_STANDBY_UPDATED INFO Generated when a software update of the standby HA Edge has started.
MGD_SWUP_UNPACK_FAILED ERROR Generated when an Edge has failed to unpack the downloaded software update package.
MGD_SWUP_UNPACK_SUCCEEDED INFO Generated when an Edge has succeeded to unpack the downloaded software update package.
MGD_UNREACHABLE EMERGENCY Generated when the data plane process could not communicate to the management plane proxy.
MGD_VCO_ADDR_RESOLV_FAILED WARNING Generated when the DNS resolution of the Orchestrator address failed.
MGD_WEBSOCKET_INIT DEBUG Generated when a WebSocket communication is initiated with the Orchestrator.
MGD_WEBSOCKET_CLOSE DEBUG Generated when a WebSocket communication with the Orchestrator is closed.
PEER_UNUSABLE ALERT Generated when overlay connectivity to a peer goes down while transmitting peer stats.
PEER_USABLE INFO Generated when overlay connectivity to a peer resumes after a period of unusability.
PORT_SCAN_DETECTED INFO Generated when port scan is detected.
QOS_OVERRIDE INFO Generated to flip traffic path (gateway or direct).
SLOW_START_CAP_MET NOTICE Generated when the Bandwidth measurement slow-start cap limit is exceeded. It will be done in Burst mode
VPN_DATACENTER_STATUS INFO, ERROR Generated when a VPN Tunnel state change.
VRRP_FAIL_INFO INFO Generated when VRRP failed.
VRRP_INTO_MASTER_STATE INFO Generated when VRRP get into Primary state.
VRRP_OUT_OF_MASTER_STATE INFO Generated when VRRP get out of Primary state.