This section describes how to configure System Properties, which provide a mechanism to control the system-wide behavior of the VMware.

System Properties can be set initially using the cloud-init config file (see Create the cloud-init meta-data file. The following properties need to be configured to ensure proper operation of the service.

System Name

Enter a fully qualified VMware domain name in the network.public.address system property.

Google Maps

Google Maps is used for displaying edges and data centers on a map. Maps may fail to display without a license key. The Orchestrator will continue to function properly, but browser maps will not be available in this case.

  1. Login into
  2. Create a new project, if one is not already created.
  3. Locate the button Enable API. Click under the Google Maps APIs and enable both Google Maps JavaScript API and Google Maps Geolocation API.
  4. On the left side of the screen, click the Credentials link.
  5. Under the Credentials page, click Create Credentials, then select API key. Create an API key.
  6. Set the service.client.googleMapsApi.key VMware system property to API key.
  7. Set service.client.googleMapsApi.enable to “true.”


Twilio is a messaging service that allows you to receive VMware alerts via SMS. It is optional. The account details can be entered into the VMware through the Operator Portal's System Properties page. The properties are called:

  • service.twilio.enable allows the service to be disabled in the event that no Internet access is available to the VMware
  • service.twilio.accountSid
  • service.twilio.authToken
  • service.twilio.phoneNumber in (nnn)nnn-nnnn format

Obtain the service at


MaxMind is a geolocations service. It is used to automatically detect Edge and Gateway locations and ISP names based on an IP address. If this service is disabled, then geolocation information will need to be updated manually. The account details can be entered into the VMware through the Operator Portal's System Properties page. You can configure:

  • service.maxmind.enable allows the service to be disabled in the event that no Internet access is available to the VMware
  • service.maxmind.userid holds the user identification supplied by MaxMind during the account creation
  • service.maxmind.license holds the license key supplied by MaxMind

Obtain the license at:


Email services can be used for both sending the Edge activation messages as well as for alarms and notifications. It is not required, but it is strongly recommended that you configure this as part of VMware operations. The following system properties are available to configure the external email service used by the Orchestrator:

  • mail.smtp.auth.pass - SMTP user password.
  • mail.smtp.auth.user - SMTP user for authentication.
  • - relay server for email originated from the VMware.
  • mail.smtp.port - SMTP port.
  • mail.smtp.secureConnection - use SSL for SMTP traffic.