Describes how to create a virtual connection between Virtual Networks (VNets) and the Virtual Hub in a particular Azure region.

To create a virtual network connection between a VNet and a Virtual Hub in a particular Azure region:


  • Ensure you have an Azure subscription. If not, create a free account.
  • Ensure you have Virtual Hubs and Virtual Networks created.


  1. Log in to your Microsoft Azure account.
    The Microsoft Azure home screen appears.
  2. Go to All resources and from the list of available resources, select the Virtual WAN that you have created.
  3. Under the Virtual WAN architecture area, click Virtual network connections.
  4. Click +Add connection.
    The Add connection screen appears.
  5. In the Connection name text box, enter the unique name for the virtual connection.
  6. From the Hubs drop-down menu, select the Hub you want to associate with this connection.
  7. From the Subscription drop-down menu, select your Microsoft Azure subscription.
  8. From the Virtual network drop-down menu, select the virtual network you want to connect to this Hub.
  9. Click OK.


A peering connection is established between the selected Vnet and the Hub.

What to do next