You can view the details of Cloud Security Services (CSS) configured for the Enterprise.

To monitor the cloud security service sites:

  1. In the Enterprise portal, click Monitor > Network Services.

    The Network Services page displays the CSS configured for the Enterprise along with the other configuration details such as Name, Type, IP address, Status of the Cloud Security Service, Status of the Edge using the Cloud Security Service, Date and Time of the status change, the number of related state change Events, and deployment status.

  2. Click the link in the Events column to view the related state change Events.
  3. Click the link in the DeploymentStatus column to view the deployment status of the CSS.
    The following are the seven different states for an Edge action:
    • Pending Location - The Edge action is in this state until a Zscaler location is created. This state is only for applicable for Sub-location Edge actions.
    • Pending - The Edge action is in this state as it waits for a backend worker process to pick it up and start working on it.
    • Notified - The Edge action is in this state after a backend worker process picks up the Edge action and starts working on it.
    • Completed - The Edge action is in this state if the Edge action task is successfully completed.
    • Errored - The Edge action is in this state if an error has occurred.
    • Timed Out - The Edge action is in this state if it takes more than the expected amount of time to complete the Edge action task.
    • Pending Delete - The Edge action is in this state if it is pending deletion.
  4. Click Details to view the Event details.

You can also view the cloud security services in the new Orchestrator UI. See Monitor Cloud Security Service Sites.