Standard Administrator Superusers and Standard Administrators can create new admin users.

In the Enterprise portal, click Administration > Administrators.


  1. You can create new admin users by clicking either New Admin, or Actions > New Admin .
  2. In the New Admin window, enter the following details:
    1. Enter the user details like username, password, Name, Email, and Phone numbers. The username should be in the format of email address, like [email protected]. The password must meet the following requirements:
      • The number of characters must be in the range of 8 to 32.
      • Must have at least one lower case character.
      • Must have at least one number.
    2. If you have chosen the authentication mode as Native in Configure Enterprise Authentication, then the type of the user is selected as Native. If you have chosen a different authentication mode, you can choose the type of the user. If you choose the user to be Non-Native, the password option is not available, as it is inherited from the authentication mode.
    3. Select the user role from the Account Role drop-down list. Once you select a role, the Network and Security functions of the selected role, along with the description, are displayed.
  3. Click Create.


The user details are displayed in the Administrators page.