To delete a Diagnostic or PCAP bundle:

  1. In the Enterprise portal, click the Open New Orchestrator UI option available at the top of the Window.
  2. Click Launch New Orchestrator UI in the pop-up window.
  3. The UI opens in a new tab displaying the monitoring and configuring options.
  4. In the new UI, click the Diagnostics tab and click Diagnostic Bundles.

The generated bundles are displayed in the window.

The completed bundles get deleted automatically on the date displayed in the Cleanup Date column. You can click the link to the Cleanup Date or choose the bundle and click More > Update Cleanup Date to modify the Date.

In the Update Cleanup Date window, choose the date on which the selected Bundle should be deleted.

If you want to retain the Bundle, select the Keep Forever option, so that the Bundle does not get deleted automatically.

To delete a bundle manually, select the bundle and click Delete.