Significant and sustained high qlength in the critical queues are common in over capacity situations and are likely to impact customers.

vc_queue_net_sch, vc_queue_link_select and vc_queue_link_sch – These schedulers are meant for Link selection, QOS, and link scheduling for packets destined for Edges. The Orchestrator takes packets from global packet scheduler (vc_queue_net_sch), chooses the appropriate link to send them on (vc_queue_link_select), and enqueues them to link-level packet scheduler (vc_queue_link_sch).

The high watermark level here indicates that the Gateway cannot send VCMP traffic (for example, the return packets from the Internet) to Edges fast enough.

vc_queue_link_encrypt_0 and vc_queue_link_encrypt_1 – This is for packet encryption, encapsulation and related processing before packet transmission.

In a DPDK-enabled Gateway, capacity issues are first observed as high watermark level in this queue. The high watermark level in the queue indicates that the Gateway cannot encrypt traffic fast enough.

vc_queue_vcmp_data_0 and vc_queue_vcmp_data_1 – This is the first stage of processing for VCMP data packets received over VCMP tunnels. The queue handles packet reordering and missing packets. This is the beginning of processing for data packets coming in over a VCMP tunnel.

The consistent high queue length indicates that the Gateway cannot receive traffic from Edges fast enough. This may be an indirect indication of packet loss on the Gateway, which requires substantial reordering of packets.

vc_queue_esp_0 and vc_queue_esp_1 – This is decryption of ESP encrypted traffic. The traffic that has come in on an encrypted tunnel goes here for setting up the state needed for decryption and is then handed to a decryption processing queue.

The consistent high queue length in the queue indicate that the Gateway cannot decrypt Non SD-WAN Destination traffic fast enough.

The high queue length indicates that the Gateway cannot decrypt Non SD-WAN Destination traffic fast enough.

ip_common_bh – This is IPv4 data packet processing, like routing, QoS, flow and peer association, for return packets received from the Internet for NAT traffic or from the PE router for VLAN/VRF traffic.

In all the Gateways, except the non-DPDK enabled Gateways, capacity issues are first observed as high queue length in the queue. The increased queue length in the queue indicates that the Gateway cannot receive packets fast enough.