You can view the details of Non SD-WAN Destinations configured for the Enterprise from the Monitor > Network Services page in the Enterprise portal.

In the Network Services page, you can view:
  • Non SD-WAN Destinations via Gateway - Displays the configured Non SD-WAN Destinations along with the other configuration details such as Name of the Non SD-WAN Destination, Public IP Address, Status of the Non SD-WAN Destination, Status of the tunnel, Number of profiles and Edges that use the Non SD-WAN Destination, Last contacted date and time, and Number of related state change Events.
  • Non SD-WAN Destinations via Edge - Displays the configured Non SD-WAN Destinations along with the other configuration details such as Name of the Non SD-WAN Destination, Public IP Address, Status of the tunnel, Number of profiles and Edges that use the Non SD-WAN Destination, Last contacted date and time, and Deployment status.
    Note: Tunnel deployment status monitoring is only supported for Non SD-WAN Destinations via Edge network service.

To monitor the automation deployment status of Microsoft Azure Non SD-WAN Destinations via Edge:

  1. In the Enterprise portal, click Monitor > Network Services.

    The Network Services page appears.

  2. Under Non SD-WAN Destinations via Edge, click the link in the Deployment Status column to view the deployment status of the Non SD-WAN Destinations.
    The following are the seven different states for an Edge action:
    • Enqueued - The Edge action is enqueued.
    • Pending - The Edge action is in this state as it waits for a backend worker process to pick it up and start working on it.
    • Notified - The Edge action is in this state after a backend worker process picks up the Edge action and starts working on it.
    • Completed - The Edge action is in this state if the Edge action task is successfully completed.
    • Errored - The Edge action is in this state if an error has occurred.
    • Timed Out - The Edge action is in this state if it takes more than the expected amount of time to complete the Edge action task.
    • Pending Delete - The Edge action is in this state if it is pending deletion.
  3. Under API Tracking Info, click Details to view the Event details.