You can configure to receive alerts and notifications related to the VNF events.

In the Enterprise portal, click Configure > Alerts & Notifications. In the Alert Configuration page, you can select the Alert Types.

To receive alerts for VNF events, select the following Alert Types:

  • Edge VNF Virtual Machine Deployment – Receive an alert when there is a change in the Edge VNF virtual machine deployment state.
  • Edge VNF Insertion – Receive an alert when there is a change in the Edge VNF deployment state.
  • Edge VNF Image Download Event – Receive an alert when there is a change in the Edge VNF image download state.

You can view the alert notifications in the Monitor > Alerts page.

To view the alerts related to VNF, you can use the filter option. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Search option and choose to filter by the Type.

The following image shows some of the VNF alerts.