The Site Contact performs the steps outlined in the Edge activation procedure email.

In general, the Site Contact completes the following steps:

  1. Connect the Edge to a power source and insert any WAN link cables or USB modems for Internet connectivity.
  2. Connect a personal computer or mobile device (with access to the activation email) to your Edge by one of two methods:
    1. Find and connect to the Wi-Fi network that looks like velocloud- followed by three more letters/numbers (for example, velocloud-01c) with the password vcsecret.
      Note: Refer to the Wi-Fi SSID from the Edge device. The default Wi-Fi is vc-wifi. The Edge activation email provides instructions for using one or more Wi-Fi connections.
    2. If the Edge is not Wi-Fi capable (for example, a 6x0N model or a 3x00 model), use an Ethernet cable to connect to either an Ethernet-equipped computer or a mobile device with an Ethernet adapter to one of the Edge’s LAN ports.
      Note: For more information about using either an iOS or Android mobile device with an Ethernet adapter to activate an Edge, refer to the below sections:
  3. Click the hyperlink in the email to activate the Edge.

During the Edge activation, the activation status screen appears on your connected device.

The Edge downloads the configuration and software from the SD-WAN Orchestrator and reboots multiple times to apply the software update (If the Edge has a front LED status light, that light would blink and change colors multiple times during the activation process).

Once the Edge activation process successfully completes, the Edge is ready for service (if the Edge has a front LED status light, the light would show as solid green). Once an Edge is activated, it is “useable” for routing network traffic. In addition, more advanced functions such as monitoring, testing, and troubleshooting are also available.