To assign profile and license to the Edges:


Ensure that you have signed-up for Edge Auto-activation so that you can view the list of Edges in the Available Inventory page. For instructions, refer to Sign-Up for Edge Auto-activation with New Orchestrator UI.


  1. In the Enterprise portal, click Settings, and then from the left menu, click Edge Auto-activation.
    The Edge Auto-activation page is displayed.
  2. The Available Inventory tab displays the list of unassigned Edges with Serial Number and Model.
    Note: Only the Edges that were shipped to you after the successful completion of the sign-up process appear in the Available Inventory tab. Ensure that the SID assigned to you is used in all your future orders so that the inventory is reflected correctly.
  3. Select the required Edges and click Assign. The Edge Assignment window appears:
  4. From the Profile and Edge License drop-down lists, select the required profile and license that you wish to assign to all the Edges in the inventory. You can choose to override these settings for a specific Edge, by selecting the appropriate profile and license in the table.
  5. Click the Assign button.
    The Edges for which you have assigned a profile and license appear in the Assigned Inventory tab. The Inventory State for the assigned Edges is displayed as Assigned to Customer and the Edge State is displayed as Pending.
  6. Following are the additional options available on the Edge Auto-activation page:
    Option Description
    Search Enter a search term to search for the matching text across the page. Use the advanced search option to narrow down the search results.
    Download CSV Click to download the list of Edges in an excel format.
    Columns Click and select the columns to be displayed or hidden on the page.
    Refresh Click to refresh the page to display the most current data.

What to do next

Power-on the assigned physical Edges and connect them to the internet so that they are redirected to the SD-WAN Orchestrator where they are automatically activated. After an Edge is activated, the Edge State in the Assigned Inventory tab changes from Pending to Activated.