Only Operator Superusers can create a new user agreement. You can create multiple active user agreements and configure the default one from the list of active user agreements. You can also choose and configure an active user agreement that you want to show for a particular customer.

In the Operator portal, click User Agreements.

  1. Click New User Agreement or Actions > New.
  2. In the User Agreement dialog box, enter the following:

    • Name – Enter the name for the user agreement.
    • Enabled – By default, this checkbox is selected. If you clear the checkbox, then the user agreement is Inactive.
    • Effective Start Date – Enter the date from which the user agreement is effective.
    • Effective End Date – Enter the date until which the user agreement is effective.
    • Dialog Title Text – Enter a title for the user agreement.
    • Dialog Body Text – Enter the descriptive user agreement text that would be visible to the Customer.
    • Dialog Button Text – Enter the text to be displayed on the button that customer would click to accept the agreement.
  3. Click Create.

The Agreements are displayed in the User Agreements page.

Note: Multiple user agreements can be active at a time. When you have multiple active agreements, you must ensure to set an user agreement as 'Default', that would be displayed to the first user of the Enterprise.
To set the default user agreement, select an active agreement and click Actions > Update. In the User Agreement dialog box, select the Default checkbox and click Save Changes.

When an Enterprise Superuser or Partner Superuser logs into the SD-WAN Orchestratorfor the first time, an 'User Agreement' message pops up prompting them to accept the agreement. The user must accept the agreement to get access to the SD-WAN Orchestrator. If the users do not accept the agreement, they will be automatically logged out.

The Operator can view the number of customers that have accepted the agreement in the User Agreements page. The accepted agreements are archived, and you cannot delete them.