This section lists all the user privileges available in the Enterprise portal.

Below is a table listing the user privileges. The columns in the table indicate the following:
  • Allow Privilege – Do the privileges have allow access?
  • Deny Privilege – Do the privileges have deny access?
  • Customizable – Is the privilege available for customization in the Service Permissions tab along with the Create, Read, Update, Delete customizations?
Note: The features that can be completely customized by an Enterprise Superuser have been listed in a separate table at the end of this topic.
Navigation Path in the Enterprise Portal Name of the Tab Elements in the Tab Name of the Privilege Description Allow Privilege Deny Privilege Customizable
Monitor > Edges > Select Edge Overview
Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No

Top Applications

Top Categories

Top Operating Systems

Top Sources

Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
View Flow Stats Grants ability to view collected flow statistics Yes Yes Yes
Sources Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
View Edge Sources Grants ability to view Monitor Edge Sources tab Yes Yes Yes
Devices View User Identifiable Flow Stats Grants ability to view potentially user identifiable flow source attributes Yes Yes Yes
Create Client Device Controls visibility to unique identifiers (IP or MAC address) of LAN-side client devices Yes No No
Read Client Device
Change Hostname Update Client Device
Delete Client Device
Manage Client Device
Operating Systems Create Client User Controls visibility to potentially Personal Identifiable Information(PII) in flow statistics Yes No No
Read Client User
Update Client User
Delete Client User
Manage Client User
Applications Sources Destinations Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
View Flow Stats Grants ability to view collected flow statistics Yes Yes Yes
Events from this Edge Read Customer Event Grants ability to view customer level events Yes No No
Remote Actions Read Remote Actions Grants access to view and execute remote actions No Yes Yes
Remote Actions Generate Diagnostic Bundle Remote Diagnostics Read Diagnostics Controls creation of and access to diagnostics bundles, both Edge and Gateway. Combine with Edge and Gateway privileges to control access to each type individually Yes Yes Yes
Generate Diagnostic Bundle Create Diagnostic Bundle No Yes Yes
Remote Diagnostics Read Remote Diagnostics Privilege granting access to view and execute remote diagnostics No Yes Yes
Monitor Edges Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
Edge Cluster Read Edge Cluster Controls the ability to create and configure Edge Clusters No Yes Yes
Network Services Read Network Service Grants ability to view and manage services with the Network Services configuration block Yes No No
Non SD-WAN Destinations via Gateway Non SD-WAN Destinations via Edge Read Customer Event Grants ability to view customer level events Yes No No
Non SD-WAN Destinations via Gateway Non SD-WAN Destinations via Edge Read Non SD-WAN Destination via Gateway Grants ability to view and manage Non SD-WAN Destinations via Gateway and Non SD-WAN Destinations via Edge No Yes Yes
BGP Gateway Neighbor State Read Network Service Grants ability to view and manage services with the Network Services configuration block Yes No No
BGP Edge Neighbor State Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
Edge VNFs Read VNF Network Service Grants ability to manage VNF Network Services No Yes Yes
Edge Cluster Read Edge Cluster Controls the ability to create and configure Edge Clusters No Yes Yes
Routing Read Network Addressing Grants ability to view and manage address block configuration in the legacy Network profile mode Yes No No
Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
View Customer Routing Grants ability to view the customer Routing Yes No No
Alerts Create Customer Alert Grants ability to view and manage customer alert configuration and generated alerts Yes No No
Read Customer Alert Yes Yes
Update Customer Alert
Delete Customer Alert No No
Manage Customer Alert
Events Create Customer Event Grants ability to view customer level events Yes No No
Read Customer Event
Update Customer Event
Delete Customer Event
Manage Customer Event
Reports Update Customer Grants ability to view and manage Customers, from the Partner or Operator level Yes Yes Yes
Read Customer No No
Firewall Firewall Logging View Firewall Logs Grants ability to view collected firewall logs Yes Yes Yes
Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
Read Customer Event Grants ability to view customer level events Yes No No
Configure > Edges > Select Edge Edge Overview Edge Overview Controls ability to view or modify Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Properties Create Edge Overview Properties Controls ability to view or change items within the properties section of the Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Read Edge Overview Properties No No
Update Edge Overview Properties Yes Yes
Delete Edge Overview Properties
Name Read Edge Overview Properties Name Controls ability to view or change Edge name on the Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Update Edge Overview Properties Name
Description Read Edge Overview Properties Description Controls ability to view or change Edge description on the Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Update Edge Overview Properties Description
Enable Alerts Read Edge Overview Properties Enable Alerts Controls ability to view or change Edge alert configuration on the Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Update Edge Overview Properties Enable Alerts
Authentication Mode Read Edge Overview Properties Auth Mode Controls ability to view or change Edge PKI configuration on the Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Update Edge Overview Properties Auth Mode
Read Customer PKI Grants ability to view and manage enterprise PKI settings Yes No No
Update Customer PKI
Serial Number Read Edge Overview Properties Serial Number Controls ability to view or change Edge serial number, prior to activation, on the Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Update Edge Overview Properties Serial Number
Generate New Activation Key Read Edge Overview Properties Activation Expiration Controls ability to view or change the activation key expiration period on the Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Update Edge Overview Properties Activation Expiration
Send Activation Email button Create Edge Overview Properties Activation Email Controls ability to generate an activation email on the Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Read Edge Overview Properties Activation Email
Local Credentials Read Overview Properties Local Credentials Grants ability to view and configure Edge local credentials No Yes Yes
Update Overview Properties Local Credentials
View Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
Update Edge
Read Customer Keys Grants ability to view and manage enterprise security keys such as Edge administrator credentials and IPSEC keys Yes Yes Yes
Update Customer Keys
License Read License Grants ability to view and manage Edge licensing Yes Yes Yes
Update License
Profile Create Edge Overview Profile Controls visibility and control of Edges assigned profile on the Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Read Edge Overview Profile No No
Update Edge Overview Profile Yes Yes
Delete Edge Overview Profile
RMA Reactivation Create Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes Yes Yes
Authentication Settings Create Edge Device Authentication Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Authentication Settings No Yes Yes
Read Edge Device Authentication Settings
Update Edge Device Authentication Settings
Delete Edge Device Authentication Settings
DNS Settings Update Edge Device DNS Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device DNS Settings No Yes Yes
Netflow Settings Create Edge Device Netflow Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Netflow Settings No Yes Yes
Read Edge Device Netflow Settings
Update Edge Device Netflow Settings
Delete Edge Device Netflow Settings
LAN-Side NAT Rules Update Edge Device LAN-Side NAT Rules Controls ability to view or change Edge Device LAN-Side NAT Rules No Yes Yes
Voice Quality Monitoring Settings Read Edge Device VQM Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device VQM Settings No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device VQM Settings
Syslog Settings Read Edge Device Syslog Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Syslog Settings No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device Syslog Settings
Static Route Settings Update Edge Device Static Route Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Static Route Settings No Yes Yes
ICMP Probes Read Edge Device ICMP Probes Controls ability to view or change Edge Device ICMP Probes No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device ICMP Probes
ICMP Responders Read Edge Device ICMP Responders Controls ability to view or change Edge Device ICMP Responders No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device ICMP Responders
VRRP Settings Update Edge Device VRRP Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device VRRP Settings No Yes Yes
Cloud VPN Read Edge Device Cloud VPN Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Cloud VPN No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device Cloud VPN
BFD Rules Update Edge Device BFD Rules Controls ability to view or change Edge Device BFD Rules No Yes Yes
BGP Settings Read Edge Device BGP Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device BGP Settings No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device BGP Settings
Multicast Settings Read Edge Device Multicast Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Multicast Settings No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device Multicast Settings
Cloud Security Service Read Edge Device Cloud Security Service Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Cloud Security Service No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device Cloud Security Service
Gateway Handoff Assignment Update Edge Device Gateway Handoff Assignment Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Gateway Handoff Assignment No Yes Yes
High Availability Create Edge Device High Availability Controls ability to view or change Edge Device High Availability No Yes Yes
Read Edge Device High Availability
Update Edge Device High Availability
Delete Edge Device High Availability
Enable HA Standby Pair Grants ability to configure standby HA No Yes Yes
Enable HA Cluster Grants ability to configure HA Clustering No Yes Yes
Enable HA VRRP Pair Grants ability to configure VRRP HA No Yes Yes
Configure VLAN Read Edge Device Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Settings No Yes Yes
Management IP Read Edge Device Management IP Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Management IP No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device Management IP
Device Settings Create Edge Device Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Settings No Yes Yes
Read Edge Device Settings
Update Edge Device Settings
Delete Edge Device Settings
Interface Settings Update Edge Device Interface Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Interface Settings No Yes Yes
WAN Settings Update Edge Device WAN Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device WAN Settings No Yes Yes
Security VNF Update Edge Device Security VNF Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Security VNF No Yes Yes
Wi-Fi Radio Settings Create Edge Device Wi-Fi Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Wi-Fi Settings No Yes Yes
Read Edge Device Wi-Fi Settings
Update Edge Device Wi-Fi Settings
Delete Edge Device Wi-Fi Settings
Multi-Source QoS Read Edge Device Cloud VPN QoS Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Cloud VPN QoS Settings No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device Cloud VPN QoS Settings
TACACS Settings Create Network Service Grants ability to view and manage services with the Network Services configuration block Yes Yes Yes
Read Network Service No No
Update Network Service Yes Yes
Delete Network Service
Create Customer Keys Grants ability to view and manage enterprise security keys such as Edge administrator credentials and IPSEC keys Yes Yes Yes
Read Customer Keys
Update Customer Keys
Delete Customer Keys
Manage Customer Keys No No
L2 Settings Update Edge Device L2 Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device L2 Settings No Yes Yes
SNMP Settings Create Edge Device SNMP Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device SNMP Settings No Yes Yes
Read Edge Device SNMP Settings
Update Edge Device SNMP Settings
Delete Edge Device SNMP Settings
NTP Read Edge Device NTP Settings Controls ability to view or change Edge Device NTP Settings No Yes Yes
Update Edge Device NTP Settings
Visibility Mode Update Edge Device Config Visibility Mode Controls ability to view or change Edge Device Config Visibility Mode No Yes Yes
Analytics Settings Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
Update Edge
Business Policy Edge Business Policy Controls ability to view or change Edge business policy page No Yes Yes
SD-WAN Overlay Rate Limit Read Edge Business Policy Rate Limit Controls the ability to read and update the rate limiting business policy feature No Yes Yes
Update Edge Business Policy Rate Limit
SD-WAN Overlay Rate Limit SD-WAN Traffic Class and Weight Mapping Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
Read Customer Profile Grants ability to view and edit enterprise configuration profiles Yes Yes Yes
Firewall Edge Firewall Controls ability to view or change Edge firewall page No Yes Yes
Firewall Logging Syslog Forwarding Stateful Firewall Configure Edge Firewall Logging Grants ability to configure Edges level firewall logging No Yes Yes
Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
Syslog Forwarding View Syslog Forwarding Grants ability to see Syslog forwarding No Yes Yes
Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
Stateful Firewall Settings Network & Flood Protection Settings Edge Access Create Edge Firewall Edge Access Privilege granting or denying visibility and control of an Edges Stateful Firewall Settings, Network & Flood Protection Settings and Edge Access on the Edge firewall page No Yes Yes
Read Edge Firewall Edge Access
Update Edge Firewall Edge Access
Delete Edge Firewall Edge Access
Events from this Edge Read Customer Event Grants ability to view customer level events Yes No No
Remote Actions Read Remote Actions Privilege granting access to view and execute remote actions No Yes Yes
Remote Actions Generate Diagnostic Bundle Remote Diagnostics Read Diagnostics Controls creation of and access to diagnostics bundles, both Edge and Gateway. Combine with Edge and Gateway privileges to control access to each type individually Yes Yes Yes
Generate Diagnostic Bundle Create Diagnostic Bundle No Yes Yes
Remote Diagnostics Read Remote Diagnostics Grants access to view and execute remote diagnostics No Yes Yes
Configure > Profiles > Select Profile Profile Overview Profile Overview Controls ability to view or change profile overview page No Yes Yes
Description Create Profile Overview Description Controls ability to view or change Profile Overview Description No Yes Yes
Read Profile Overview Description No No
Update Profile Overview Description Yes Yes
Delete Profile Overview Description
Local Credentials Read Overview Properties Local Credentials Grants ability to view and configure Edge local credentials No Yes Yes
Update Overview Properties Local Credentials
Authentication Settings Create Profile Device Authentication Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Authentication Settings No Yes Yes
Read Profile Device Authentication Settings
Update Profile Device Authentication Settings
Delete Profile Device Authentication Settings
DNS Settings Update Profile Device DNS Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device DNS Settings No Yes Yes
Netflow Settings Create Profile Device Netflow Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Netflow Settings No Yes Yes
Read Profile Device Netflow Settings
Update Profile Device Netflow Settings
Delete Profile Device Netflow Settings
LAN-Side NAT Rules Update Profile Device LAN-Side NAT Rules Controls ability to view or change Profile Device LAN-Side NAT Rules No Yes Yes
Voice Quality Monitoring Settings Read Profile Device VQM Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device VQM Settings No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device VQM Settings
Syslog Settings Read Profile Device Syslog Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Syslog Settings No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device Syslog Settings
Cloud VPN Read Profile Device Cloud VPN Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Cloud VPN No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device Cloud VPN
BFD Rules Update Profile Device BFD Rules Controls ability to view or change Profile Device BFD Rules No Yes Yes
OSPF Areas Read Profile Device OSPF Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device OSPF Settings No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device OSPF Settings
BGP Settings Read Profile Device BGP Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device BGP Settings No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device BGP Settings
Multicast Settings Read Profile Device Multicast Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Multicast Settings No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device Multicast Settings
Cloud Security Service Read Profile Device Cloud Security Service Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Cloud Security Service No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device Cloud Security Service
Gateway Handoff Assignment Update Profile Device Gateway Handoff Assignment Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Gateway Handoff Assignment No Yes Yes
Configure VLAN Read Profile Device Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Settings No Yes Yes
Management IP Read Profile Device Management IP Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Management IP No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device Management IP
Device Settings Create Profile Device Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Settings No Yes Yes
Read Profile Device Settings
Update Profile Device Settings
Delete Profile Device Settings
Interface Settings Update Profile Device Interface Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Interface Settings No Yes Yes
Wi-Fi Radio Settings Create Profile Device Wi-Fi Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Wi-Fi Settings No Yes Yes
Read Profile Device Wi-Fi Settings
Update Profile Device Wi-Fi Settings
Delete Profile Device Wi-Fi Settings
L2 Settings Update Profile Device L2 Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device L2 Settings No Yes Yes
Multi-Source QoS Read Profile Device Cloud VPN QoS Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Cloud VPN QoS Settings No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device Cloud VPN QoS Settings
SNMP Settings Create Profile Device SNMP Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device SNMP Settings No Yes Yes
Read Profile Device SNMP Settings
Update Profile Device SNMP Settings
Delete Profile Device SNMP Settings
NTP Read Profile Device NTP Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device NTP Settings No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device NTP Settings
Visibility Mode Update Profile Device Config Visibility Mode Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Config Visibility Mode No Yes Yes
Analytics Settings Read Profile Device Analytics Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Analytics Settings No Yes Yes
Update Profile Device Analytics Settings
Create Profile Device Network Settings Controls ability to view or change Profile Device Network Settings No Yes Yes
Read Profile Device Network Settings
Update Profile Device Network Settings
Delete Profile Device Network Settings
Business Policy Profile Business Policy Controls ability to view or change profile business policy page No Yes Yes
SD-WAN Overlay Rate Limit Read Profile Business Policy Rate Limit Controls the ability to read and update the rate limiting business policy feature No Yes Yes
Update Profile Business Policy Rate Limit
Firewall Profile Firewall Controls ability to view or change profile firewall page No Yes Yes
Firewall Logging Syslog Forwarding Stateful Firewall Configure Profile Firewall Logging Grants ability to configure profile level firewall logging No Yes Yes
Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
Read Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes No No
Stateful Firewall Settings Network & Flood Protection Settings Edge Access Create Edge Firewall Edge Access Controls visibility and control of Stateful Firewall Settings, Network & Flood Protection Settings, and Edge Access on the profile firewall page No Yes Yes
Read Edge Firewall Edge Access No No
Update Edge Firewall Edge Access Yes Yes
Delete Edge Firewall Edge Access
Configure Edges Create Edge Grants ability to view and manage Edge objects and their properties in general Yes Yes Yes
Read Edge No No
Update Edge
Delete Edge Yes Yes
Manage Edge No No
Read Customer Profile Grants ability to view and edit enterprise configuration profiles Yes Yes Yes
New Edge > Authentication Create Customer PKI Grants ability to view and manage enterprise PKI settings Yes No No
Select Edge/Edges > Local Credentials Read Overview Properties Local Credentials Grants ability to view and configure Edge local credentials No Yes Yes
Update Overview Properties Local Credentials
Select Edge/Edges > Assign Profile Assign Edge Profile Grants ability to assign profiles to Edges No Yes Yes
Select Edge/Edges > Update Pre-Notifications Update Edge Overview Properties Enable Alerts Controls ability to view or change Edge alert configuration on the Edge overview page No Yes Yes
Select Edge/Edges > Assign Edge License
Select Edge/Edges > Update Customer Alerts
Edge Cluster Read Edge Cluster Grants ability to view Edge clusters No Yes Yes
Create Cloud Edge Create DMZ Gateway Grants ability to create DMZ Gateways No Yes Yes
Profiles Create Customer Profile Grants ability to view and edit enterprise configuration profiles Yes Yes Yes
Read Customer Profile
Update Customer Profile
Delete Customer Profile
Manage Customer Profile No No
Duplicate Profile Duplicate Customer Profile Grants ability to edit duplicate customer level profiles No Yes Yes
Create Profile Grants access to view and manage profiles at any level No Yes Yes
Read Profile
Update Profile
Delete Profile
Object Groups Create Object Group Grants ability to manage Object Group Yes Yes Yes
Read Object Group
Update Object Group
Delete Object Group
Manage Object Group No No
Read Customer Profile Grants ability to view and edit enterprise configuration profiles Yes Yes Yes
Segments/Networks Create Network Addressing Grants ability to view and manage address block configuration in the legacy Network profile mode Yes Yes Yes
Read Network Addressing No No
Update Network Addressing Yes Yes
Delete Network Addressing
Manage Network Addressing No No
Create Customer Segment Grants ability to view and manage the creation of segments and their assignment to configuration profiles No Yes Yes
Read Customer Segment
Update Customer Segment
Delete Customer Segment
Overlay Flow Control Create Overlay Flow Control Grants ability to view and manage data and configuration presented on the Overlay Flow Control page No Yes Yes
Read Overlay Flow Control
Update Overlay Flow Control
Delete Overlay Flow Control
Read Customer Profile Grants ability to view and edit enterprise configuration profiles Yes Yes Yes
Update Customer Profile
Network Services Create Network Service Grants ability to view and manage services with the Network Services configuration block Yes Yes Yes
Read Network Service No No
Update Network Service Yes Yes
Delete Network Service
Manage Network Service No No
Create Customer Keys Grants ability to view and manage enterprise security keys such as Edge administrator credentials and IPSEC keys Yes Yes Yes
Read Customer Keys
Update Customer Keys
Read Customer Profile Grants ability to view and edit enterprise configuration profiles Yes Yes Yes
Edge Cluster Create Edge Cluster Controls the ability to create and configure Edge Clusters No Yes Yes
Read Edge Cluster
Update Edge Cluster
Delete Edge Cluster
Cloud VPN Hubs Create VPN Hub Network Service Grants ability to manage VPN Hubs as Network Services No Yes Yes
Read VPN Hub Network Service
Update VPN Hub Network Service
Delete VPN Hub Network Service
Non SD-WAN Destinations via Gateway Non SD-WAN Destinations via Edge Create Non SD-WAN Destination via Gateway Grants ability to view and manage Non SD-WAN Destinations via Gateway and Non SD-WAN Destinations via Edge No Yes Yes
Read Non SD-WAN Destination via Gateway
Update Non SD-WAN Destination via Gateway
Delete Non SD-WAN Destination via Gateway
Cloud Security Service Create Cloud Security Service Controls creation and configuration of third party cloud security services to which the traffic can be steered by business policy No Yes Yes
Read Cloud Security Service
Update Cloud Security Service
Delete Cloud Security Service
VNFs Create VNF Network Service Grants ability to manage VNF Network Services No Yes Yes
Read VNF Network Service
Update VNF Network Service
Delete VNF Network Service
VNF Licenses Create VNF License Network Service Grants ability to manage VNF licenses with Network Services No Yes Yes
Read VNF License Network Service
Update VNF License Network Service
Delete VNF License Network Service
DNS Services Create DNS Network Service Controls the ability to create and configure DNS services for use in profiles No Yes Yes
Read DNS Network Service
Update DNS Network Service
Delete DNS Network Service
Private Network Names Create Private Network Name Network Service Grants ability to manage Private Network Name with Network Services No Yes Yes
Read Private Network Name Network Service
Update Private Network Name Network Service
Delete Private Network Name Network Service
Authentication Services Create Authentication Service Controls the creation and configuration of hosted 802.1x service providing LAN-side user authentication No Yes Yes
Read Authentication Service
Update Authentication Service
Delete Authentication Service
TACACS Services Create Network Service Grants ability to view and manage services with the Network Services configuration block Yes Yes Yes
Read Network Service No No
Update Network Service Yes Yes
Delete Network Service
Create Customer Keys Grants ability to view and manage enterprise security keys such as Edge administrator credentials and IPSEC keys Yes Yes Yes
Read Customer Keys
Update Customer Keys
Delete Customer Keys
Manage Customer Keys No No
Cloud Subscriptions Create Cloud Subscription Service Grants ability to view and manage the configuration of access to IAAS providers, such as Azure, AWS and Google Cloud No Yes Yes
Read Cloud Subscription Service
Update Cloud Subscription Service
Delete Cloud Subscription Service
Alerts & Notifications Read Customer Alert Notification Grants ability to view and manage customer alert configuration No Yes Yes
Create Customer Alert Grants ability to view and manage customer alert configuration and generated alerts Yes No No
Read Customer Alert Yes Yes
Update Customer Alert
Delete Customer Alert No No
Manage Customer Alert
SMS Alert Update Customer SMS Alert Grants ability to configure SMS alerts at the customer level No Yes Yes
Customer Update Enterprise Grants ability to view and manage Customers, from the Partner or Operator level Yes Yes Yes
Other Settings Read User Agreement Privilege granting access to configure the customer user agreement feature Yes No No
Update User Agreement
Test & Troubleshoot Read Diagnostics Controls creation of and access to diagnostics bundles, both Edge and Gateway. Combine with Edge and Gateway privileges to control access to each type individually Yes Yes Yes
Remote Diagnostics Create Remote Diagnostics Grants access to view and execute remote diagnostics No No No
Read Remote Diagnostics Yes Yes
Update Remote Diagnostics No No
Delete Remote Diagnostics
Manage Remote Diagnostics Yes Yes
Gateway Remote Cloud Traffic Routing No Yes Yes
Reset USB Modem Remote Reset USB Modem Grants ability to execute the Edge USB modem reset remote action No Yes Yes
Scan for nearby Wi-Fi Remote Scan for Wi-Fi Access Points Grants ability to execute the Edge Wi-Fi scan remote action No Yes Yes
VPN Test Remote VPN Test Grants ability to execute the Edge VPN test remote action No Yes Yes
Remote Actions Create Remote Actions Grants access to view and execute remote actions No Yes Yes
Read Remote Actions
Update Remote Actions
Delete Remote Actions
Select Edge > Shutdown button Shutdown Edge Grants ability to execute the Edge shutdown remote action No Yes Yes
Select Edge > Deactivate button Deactivate Edge Grants ability to execute the deactivate Edge remote action No Yes Yes
Diagnostic Bundles/Packet Capture 404 resource not found page Create Diagnostics Controls creation of and access to diagnostics bundles, both Edge and Gateway. Combine with Edge and Gateway privileges to control access to each type individually Yes Yes Yes
Read Diagnostics
Update Diagnostics
Delete Diagnostics
Manage Diagnostics No No
Request Diagnostic Bundle Create Diagnostic Bundle Grants ability to view and request Diagnostic bundles as part of remote diagnostics functionality No Yes Yes
Diagnostic Bundles/Packet Capture 404 resource not found page Read Diagnostic Bundle
Update Diagnostic Bundle
Delete Diagnostic Bundle Delete Diagnostic Bundle
Request PCAP Bundle Create PCAP Bundle Grants ability to view and request PCAP bundles as part of remote diagnostics functionality No Yes Yes
Diagnostic Bundles/Packet Capture 404 resource not found page Read PCAP Bundle
Update PCAP Bundle No No
Delete PCAP Bundle Yes Yes
Diagnostic Bundles/Packet Capture 404 resource not found page Manage PCAP Bundle
Download Diagnostic Bundle Download Edge Diagnostics Grants ability to download Edge Diagnostics No Yes Yes
System Settings Read Customer Delegation Grants ability to view and manage the delegation of privileges from the customer to Partners or the Operator Yes Yes Yes
General Information > General Information Read Customer General Information Controls visibility and control of Customer General Information on the System Settings General Information page No Yes Yes
Update Customer General Information
Default Edge Authentication Read Customer PKI Grants ability to view and manage enterprise PKI settings Yes No No
Update Customer PKI
Edge Configuration Read Customer Edge Settings Controls visibility and control of Customer Edge Settings on the System Settings General Information page No Yes Yes
Update Customer Edge Settings
Privacy Settings Read Customer Privacy Settings Controls visibility and control of Customer Privacy Settings on the System Settings General Information page No Yes Yes
Update Customer Privacy Settings
Privacy Settings > Enforce PCI Update Customer User Grants ability to view and manage Customer administrators Yes Yes Yes
Contact Information Read System Settings Contact Info Controls visibility and control of System Settings Contact Info on the System Settings General Information page No Yes Yes
Update System Settings Contact Info
Authentication Create Customer Authentication Grants ability to view and manage customer authentication mode, for example SSO, Radius or Native Yes Yes Yes
Read Customer Authentication
Update Customer Authentication
Delete Customer Authentication
Manage Customer Authentication
API Tokens Read Customer Token Grants ability to view and manage authentication tokens at the Customer level Yes No No
Update Customer Token
Administrators Create Customer User Grants ability to view and manage Customer administrators Yes Yes Yes
Read Customer User
Update Customer User
Delete Customer User
Manage Customer User No No
Select Enterprise User > API Tokens Create Customer Token Grants ability to view and manage authentication tokens at the Customer level Yes No No
Read Customer Token
Update Customer Token
Delete Customer Token
Manage Customer Token
Service Permissions Create Service Permissions Package Grants access to manage Service Permissions packages Yes No No
Read Service Permissions Package
Update Service Permissions Package
Delete Service Permissions Package
Manage Service Permissions Package
Edge Licensing Create License Grants ability to view and manage Edge licensing Yes No No
Read License Yes Yes
Update License
Delete License No No
Manage License
VeloCloud Support Access Role Create Customer Delegation Grants ability to view and manage the delegation of privileges from the customer to Partners or the Operator Yes Yes Yes
Read Customer Delegation
Update Customer Delegation
Delete Customer Delegation
Manage Customer Delegation No No

When the corresponding user privilege is denied, the Orchestrator window displays the 404 resource not found error.

Below table provides a list of customizable feature privileges:
Navigation Path in the Enterprise Portal Name of the Tab Name of the Privilege Description
Configure > Edges > Select Edge Overview Assign Edge Profile Grants ability to assign a Profile to Edges
Configure > Edges > Select Edge Firewall Configure Edge Firewall Logging Grants ability to configure Edge level firewall logging
Configure > Profiles > Select Profile Firewall Configure Profile Firewall Logging Grants ability to configure Profile level firewall logging
Diagnostics > Remote Actions Select Edge > Deactivate Deactivate Edge Grants ability to reset the device configuration to its factory default state
Global Settings > Enterprise Settings > Information Privacy Settings > SD-WAN PCI Enforce PCI Compliance Deny PCI Operations Denies access to sensitive Customer data including PCAPs, etc. on the Edges and Gateways, for all users including VMware Support
Diagnostics > Diagnostic Bundles Select Edge > Download Bundle Download Edge Diagnostics Grants ability to download Edge Diagnostics
Gateway Management > Diagnostic Bundles Select Gateway > Download Bundle Download Gateway Diagnostics Grants ability to download Gateway Diagnostics
Configure > Profiles Duplicate Duplicate Customer Profile Grants ability to edit duplicate customer level Profiles
Configure > Segments / Configure > Profiles / Configure > Edges Segments drop-down menu Edit Tab Segments Grants ability to edit within the Segments tab
Configure > Edges > Select Edge Device Enable HA Cluster Grants ability to configure HA Clustering
Configure > Edges > Select Edge Device Enable HA Active/Standby Pair Grants ability to configure active/standby HA
Configure > Edges > Select Edge Device Enable HA VRRP Pair Grants ability to configure VRRP HA
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics Clear ARP Cache Remote Clear ARP Cache Grants ability to clear the ARP cache for a given interface
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics > Gateway Cloud Traffic Routing (drop-down menu) Remote Cloud Traffic Routing Grants ability to route cloud traffic remotely
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics DNS/DHCP Service Restart Remote DNS/DHCP Restart Grants ability to restart the DNS/DHCP service
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics Flush Flows Remote Flush Flows Grants ability to flush the Flow table, causing user traffic to be re-classified
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics Flush NAT Remote Flush NAT Grants ability to flush the NAT table
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics > LTE SIM Switchover LTE Switch SIM Slot
Note: This is for 610-LTE and 710 5G devices only.
Remote LTE Switch SIM Slot Grants ability to activate the SIM Switchover feature. After the test is successful, you can check the status from Monitor > Edges > Overview tab
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics List Paths Remote List Paths Grants ability to view the list of active paths between local WAN links and each peer
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics List current IKE Child SAs Remote List current IKE Child SAs Grants ability to use filters to view the exact Child SAs you want to see
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics List current IKE SAs Remote List Current IKE SAs Grants ability to use filters to view the exact SAs you want to see
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics MIBs for Edge Remote MIBS for Edge Grants ability to dump Edge MIBs
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics NAT Table Dump Remote NAT Table Dump Grants ability to view the contents of the NAT table
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics Select Edge > Rebalance Hub Cluster Remote Rebalance Hub Cluster Grants ability to either redistribute Spokes in Hub Cluster or redistribute Spokes excluding this Hub
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics Select Edge (with SFP module) > Reset SFP Firmware Configuration Remote Reset SFP Firmware Configuration Grants ability to reset the SFP Firmware Configuration
Diagnostics > Remote Actions Reset USB Modem Remote Reset USB Modem Grants ability to execute the Edge USB modem reset remote action
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics Scan for WiFi Access Points Remote Scan for WiFi Access Points Grants ability to scan the Wi-Fi functionality for the SD-WAN Edge
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics System Information Remote System Information Grants ability to view system information such as system load, recent WAN stability statistics, monitoring services
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics VPN Test Remote VPN Test Grants ability to execute the Edge VPN test remote action
Diagnostics > Remote Diagnostics WAN Link Bandwidth Test Remote WAN link Bandwidth Test Grants ability to re-test the bandwidth of a WAN link
Diagnostics > Remote Actions Select Edge > Shutdown Shutdown Edge Grants ability to execute the Edge shutdown remote action
Service Settings > Alerts & Notifications Notifications > Email/SMS Update Customer SMS Alert Grants ability to configure SMS alerts at the customer level
Monitor > Edges > Select Edge Top Sources View Edge Sources Grants ability to view Monitor Edge Sources tab
Monitor > Firewall Firewall Logging View Firewall Logs Grants ability to view collected firewall logs
Monitor > Edges > Select Edge Top Sources View Flow Stats Grants ability to view collected flow statistics
Monitor > Firewall Logs Firewall Logs View Profile Firewall Logging Grants ability to view the details of firewall logs originating from VMware SD-WAN Edges
Configure > Profiles Firewall View Stateful Firewall Grants ability to view collected flow statistics
Configure > Profiles Firewall tab > Configure Firewall > Syslog Forwarding View Syslog Forwarding Grants ability to view logs that are forwarded to a configured syslog collector
Operator portal > Gateway Management Gateways View Tab Gateway List Grants ability to view the Gateway list tab
Operator portal > Administration Operator Profiles View Tab Operator Profile Grants ability to view and configure settings within the Operator Profile menu tab
Monitor > Edges > Select Edge Top Sources View User Identifiable Flow Stats Grants ability to view potentially user identifiable flow source attributes