In an Enterprise network, SASE Orchestrator supports collection of SASE Orchestrator bound events and firewall logs originating from enterprise SD-WAN Edge to one or more centralized remote Syslog collectors (Servers), in the native Syslog format. For the Syslog collector to receive SASE Orchestrator bound events and firewall logs from the configured edges in an Enterprise, at the profile level, configure Syslog collector details per segment in the SASE Orchestrator by performing the steps on this procedure.


  • Ensure that Cloud Virtual Private Network (branch-to-branch VPN settings) is configured for the SD-WAN Edge (from where the SASE Orchestrator bound events are originating) to establish a path between the SD-WAN Edge and the Syslog collectors. For more information, see Configure Cloud VPN for Profiles.


  1. In the SD-WAN service of the Enterprise portal, click Configure > Profiles. The Profiles page displays the existing Profiles.
  2. To configure a Profile, click the link to the Profile or click the View link in the Device column of the Profile. The configuration options are displayed in the Device tab.
  3. From the Configure Segment drop-down menu, select a profile segment to configure Syslog settings. By default, Global Segment [Regular] is selected.
  4. Under Telemetry, go to the Syslog area and configure the following details.
    1. From the Facility drop-down menu, select a Syslog standard value that maps to how your Syslog server uses the facility field to manage messages for all the events from SD-WAN Edge. The allowed values are from local0 through local7.
      Note: The Facility field is configurable only for the Global Segment, irrespective of the Syslog settings for the profile. The other segments will inherit the facility code value from the Global segment.
    2. Select the Enable Syslog checkbox.
    3. Click the + ADD button and configure the following details:
      Field Description
      IP Enter the destination IP address of the Syslog collector.
      Protocol Select either TCP or UDP as the Syslog protocol from the drop-down menu.
      Port Enter the port number of the Syslog collector. The default value is 514.
      Source Interface As Edge interfaces are not available at the Profile level, the Source Interface field is set to Auto. The Edge automatically selects an interface with 'Advertise' field set as the source interface.
      Roles Select one of the following:
      • EDGE EVENT
      Syslog Level Select the Syslog severity level that need to be configured. For example, If CRITICAL is configured, the SD-WAN Edge will send all the events which are set as either critical or alert or emergency.
      Note: By default, firewall event logs are forwarded with Syslog severity level INFO.

      The allowed Syslog severity levels are:

      • ALERT
      • CRITICAL
      • ERROR
      • WARNING
      • NOTICE
      • INFO
      • DEBUG
      Tag Optionally, enter a tag for the syslog. The Syslog tag can be used to differentiate the various types of events at the Syslog Collector. The maximum allowed character length is 32, delimited by period.
      All Segments When configuring a Syslog collector with FIREWALL EVENT or EDGE AND FIREWALL EVENT role, select the All Segments checkbox if want the Syslog collector to receive firewall logs from all the segments. If the checkbox is not selected, the Syslog collector will receive firewall logs only from that particular Segment in which the collector is configured.
      Note: When the role is EDGE EVENT, the Syslog collector configured in any segment will receive Edge event logs by default.
  5. Click the + ADD button to add another Syslog collector or else click Save Changes. The remote syslog collector is configured in SASE Orchestrator.
    Note: You can configure a maximum of two Syslog collectors per segment and 10 Syslog collectors per Edge. When the number of configured collectors reaches the maximum allowable limit, the + button will be deactivated.
    Note: Based on the selected role, the edge will export the corresponding logs in the specified severity level to the remote syslog collector. If you want the SASE Orchestrator auto-generated local events to be received at the Syslog collector, you must configure Syslog at the SASE Orchestrator level by using the log.syslog.backend and log.syslog.upload system properties.
    To understand the format of a Syslog message for Firewall logs, see Syslog Message Format for Firewall Logs.

What to do next

SASE Orchestrator allows you to activate Syslog Forwarding feature at the profile and the Edge level. On the Firewall page of the Profile configuration, activate the Syslog Forwarding button if you want to forward firewall logs originating from enterprise SD-WAN Edge to configured Syslog collectors.
Note: By default, the Syslog Forwarding button is available on the Firewall page of the Profile or Edge configuration, and is deactivated.

For more information about Firewall settings at the profile level, see Configure Profile Firewall.

Secure Syslog Forwarding Support

The 5.0 release supports secure syslog forwarding capability. Ensuring security of syslog forwarding is required for federal certifications and is necessary to meet the Edge hardening requirements of large enterprises. The secure syslog forwarding process begins with having a TLS capable syslog server. Currently, the SASE Orchestrator allows forwarding logs to a syslog server that has TLS support. The 5.0 release allows the SASE Orchestrator to control the syslog forwarding and conducts default security checking such as hierarchical PKI verification, CRL validation, etc. Moreover, it also allows customizing the security of forwarding by defining supported cipher suites, not allowing self-signed certificates, etc.

Another aspect of secure syslog forwarding is how revocation information is collected or integrated. The SASE Orchestrator can now allow revocation information input from an Operator that can be fetched manually or via an external process. The SASE Orchestrator will pick up that CRL information and will use it to verify the security of forwarding before all connections are established. In addition, the SASE Orchestrator fetches that CRL information regularly and uses it when validating the connection.

System Properties

Secure syslog forwarding begins with configuring the SASE Orchestrator syslog forwarding parameters to allow it to connect with a syslog server. To do so, the SASE Orchestrator accepts a JSON formatted string to accomplish the following configuration parameters, which is configured in System Properties.

The following system properties can be configured, as shown in the list below and the image below:
  • log.syslog.backend: Backend service syslog integration configuration
  • log.syslog.portal: Portal service syslog integration configuration
  • log.syslog.upload: Upload service syslog integration configuration

When configuring system properties, the following Secure Syslog Configuration JSON string can be used.

  • config <Object>
    • enable: <true> <false> Activate or Deactivate Syslog forwarding. Please note that this parameter controls overall syslog forwarding even if secure forwarding is activated.
    • options <Object>
      • host: <string> The host running syslog, defaults to localhost.
      • port: <number> The port on the host that syslog is running on, defaults to syslogd's default port.
      • protocol: <string> tcp4, udp4, tls4. Note: (tls4 allows secure syslog forwarding with default settings. To configure it please see the following secure Options object
      • pid: <number> PID of the process that log messages are coming from (Default
      • localhost: <string> Host to indicate that log messages are coming from (Default: localhost).
      • app_name: <string> The name of the application (node-portal, node-backend, etc) (Default: process.title).
    • secureOptions <Object>
      • disableServerIdentityCheck: <boolean> Optionally skipping SAN check while validating, i.e. can be used if the server's certification does not have a SAN for self-signed certificates. Default false.
      • fetchCRLEnabled: <boolean> If not false, SASE Orchestrator fetches CRL information which is embedded into provided CAs. Default: true
      • rejectUnauthorized: <boolean> If not false, the SASE Orchestrator applies hierarchical PKI validation against the list of supplied CAs. Default: true. (This is mostly required for testing purposes. Please do not use it in production.)
      • caCertificate: <string> SASE Orchestrator can accept a string that contain PEM formatted certificates to optionally override the trusted CA certificates (can contain multiple CRLs in openssl friendly concatenated form). Default is to trust the well-known CAs curated by Mozilla. This option can be used for allowing to accept a local CA that is governed by the entity. For instance, for On-prem customers who have their own CAs and PKIs.
      • crlPem:<string> SASE Orchestrator can accept a string that contain PEM formatted CRLs (can contain multiple CRLs in openssl friendly concatenated form). This option can be used for allowing to accept a local kept CRLs. If fetchCRLEnabled is set true, the SASE Orchestrator combines this information with fetched CRLs. This is mostly required for a specific scenario where certificates do not have CRLDistribution point information in it.
      • crlDistributionPoints: <Array> The SASE Orchestrator can optionally accept an array CRL distribution points URI in "http" protocol. The SASE Orchestrator does not accept any "https" URI
      • crlPollIntervalMinutes: <number> if fetchCRLEnabled is not set false, the SASE Orchestrator polls CRLs every 12 hours. However, this parameter can optionally override this default behavior and update CRL according to provided number.

Configuring Secure Syslog Forwarding Example

The SASE Orchestrator has the following system property options to arrange described parameters to allow secure syslog forwarding.
Note: The example below should be modified according the trust of chain structure.

{"enable": true,"options": {"appName": "node-portal","protocol": "tls","port": 8000,"host": "host.docker.internal","localhost": "localhost"},"secureOptions": {"caCertificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----","disableServerIdentityCheck": true,"fetchCRLEnabled":true,"rejectUnauthorized": true,"crlDistributionPoints":

To configure syslog forwarding, see the following JSON object as an example (image below).

If the configuration is successful, the SASE Orchestrator produces the following log and begins forwarding.

[portal:watch] 2021-10-19T20:08:47.150Z - info: [process.logger.163467409.0] [660] Remote Log has been successfully configured for the following options {"appName":"node-portal","protocol":"tls","port":8000,"host":"host.docker.internal","localhost":"localhost"}

Secure Syslog Forwarding in FIPS Mode

When FIPS mode is activated for secure syslog forwarding, the connection will be rejected if the syslog server does not offer the following cipher suites: "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256." Also, independent from FIPS mode, if the syslog server certificate does not have an extended key usage field that sets "ServerAuth" attribute, the connection will be rejected.

Constant CRL Information Fetching

If fetchCRLEnabled is not set to false, the SASE Orchestrator regularly updates the CRL information every 12 hours via the backend job mechanism. The fetched CRL information is stored in the corresponding system property titled, log.syslog.lastFetchedCRL.{serverName}. This CRL information is going to be checked in every connection attempt to the syslog server. If an error occurs during the fetching, the SASE Orchestrator generates an Operator event.

If the fetchCRLEnabled is set to true, there will be three additional system properties to follow the status of the CRL, as follows: log.syslog.lastFetchedCRL.backend, log.syslog.lastFetchedCRL.portal, log.syslog.lastFetchedCRL.upload, as shown in the image below. This information will display the last update time of the CRL and CRL information.


If the option "fetchCRLEnabled" is set true, the SASE Orchestrator will try to fetch CRLs. If an error occurs, the SASE Orchestrator raises an event and displays in the Operator Events page.