The various VMware processes in the system display their own version numbers, which should all be the same.

Check the version numbers using the following commands:

root@NY-GATEWAY-1:~# /opt/vc/sbin/gwd -v
VCG Info
Version:          4.2.0
Build rev:        R420-20201216-GA-0bcea3f6f0
Build Date:       2020-12-16_23-23-33
Build Hash:       0bcea3f6f0e6b8c21260187bb2d953e4cefd7f27
root@NY-GATEWAY-1:~# /opt/vc/sbin/natd -v
NATd Info
Version:          4.2.0
Build rev:        R420-20201216-GA-0bcea3f6f0
Build Date:       2020-12-16_23-23-33
Build Hash:       0bcea3f6f0e6b8c21260187bb2d953e4cefd7f27
root@NY-GATEWAY-1:~# /opt/vc/sbin/mgd -v
VeloCloud gateway 4.2.0 build R420-20201216-GA-0bcea3f6f0