Starting with the 5.4 release, while you stage the SD-WAN Edge to Bastion Orchestrator, you now have an option in the UI to configure and send the Edge upgrade related information to the Bastion Orchestrator. This allows the Edge to get upgraded immediately after the Edge is activated against the Bastion Orchestrator.

To stage a SD-WAN Edge to Bastion Orchestrator along with Edge upgrade settings, perform the following steps.


Note: Only SD-WAN Edge that are not activated can be staged to the Bastion Orchestrator.
  • Ensure you have configured two Orchestrators as a Bastion pair. For steps, see Configure Bastion Orchestrator.
  • Ensure you have set up the Production Orchestrator to support Bastion configurations. For steps, see Set up Production Orchestrator.
  • Ensure you have created a Bastion profile with a minimum configuration in the Production Orchestrator, for the purpose of staging an Enterprise customer to Bastion Orchestrator.
  • Ensure you have uploaded the Software and Firmware images related to the provisioned Edge from your local repository to the Orchestrator portal. For steps to upload Firware and Software images, see the "Firmware Images" and "Software Images" sections in the VMware SD-WAN Operator Guide published at


  1. In a web browser, launch the Production Orchestrator and login as an Operator user.
  2. Before you stage a SD-WAN Edge to Bastion Orchestrator, you must first stage an Enterprise associated with the Edge to the Bastion Orchestrator. In the Operator portal, click Customers & Partners > Manage Customers.
  3. Select an Enterprise customer to stage to Bastion Orchestrator and click More > Stage to Bastion.
    The Select Customer Profile pop-up window appears.
  4. From the Customer Profile drop-down menu, select a Bastion profile (minimum configuration profile created for staging purpose) to stage along with the customer and click Stage to Bastion.
    The selected Enterprise customer is staged along with the Bastion profile to the Bastion Orchestrator. Now, you can stage software images related to the provisioned Edge to the Bastion Orchestrator .
  5. To stage the software images related to the provisioned Edge to the Bastion Orchestrator, click Services > Software Images. The Software Images page appears.
  6. Select a software image to stage to Bastion Orchestrator and click More > Stage to Bastion.
    All the associated software images are staged to the Bastion Orchestrator.
  7. To stage a SD-WAN Edge to the Bastion Orchestrator with Edge upgrade information, select the Edge and click More > Stage to Bastion.
  8. In the Stage to Bastion pop-up window, select the Upgrade edge after activation check box and select the image type and version to upgrade the Edge after activation, and click Submit.
    The selected Edge along with the Edge upgrade information is staged to the Bastion Orchestrator and it is ready to be activated and upgraded.

    You can view the Bastion state and status of the Edge from the Monitor > Network Overview page. For more information, see Monitor Bastion Orchestrator Configuration and Events.

  9. To remove a staged Edge from the Bastion Orchestrator, click More > Unstage from Bastion.


The selected Edge is staged to the Bastion Orchestrator. You can view the staged Edges under Activity Monitor in the Bastion Orchestrator Configuration screen.

What to do next