What is the Purpose of This Test

Run this test to determine the BFD packet counters (Sent/Received).

When Can You Run This Test

Run this test if BFD is failing to come Up (or) is Down. For instructions on how to run a remote diagnostic test on Edges, see Run Remote Diagnostic Tests on Edges.

What to Check in the Test Output

Following is an example of the test output:

The Remote Diagnostics output displays the following information:
  • Count of BFD control Packets Sent/Received, if either only sent or only received counter is incrementing, it indicates a problem on non-incrementing side.
  • Count of Echo packets Sent/Received. The Echo mode is not supported, so ideally should be deactivated on peer too.
  • Count of Session Up/Down events, confirming how many UP/Down events are seen.
  • Count of Zebra notifications.