What is the Purpose of This Test

Run this test to verify the date, time, and NTP server details used by the Edge.

When Can You Run This Test

Run this test if you have an issue with date and time for logs and system time. The time is denoted in UTC time format. For instructions on how to run a remote diagnostic test on Edges, see Run Remote Diagnostic Tests on Edges.

What to Check in the Test Output

Following is an example of the test output:

In the output, check the following:

  1. Verify if the date and time is correct in the UTC time format.
  2. Verify if the system peer is as mentioned in NTP configuration.
  3. The Leap Indicator indicates if an impending leap second is to be inserted or deleted in the last minute of the current day. Therefore, if the leap second occurs, the NTP client that is running is one second faster or faster than the seconds mentioned in leap indicator than the actual time.
  4. Stratum is the distance between Edge and NTP server. Lesser the Stratum number closer the server is. If the Stratum number is above 16 then it is considered to be unsynchronized.
  5. If clock is unsynchronized, change the NTP server or PCAP's to determine if the response is received by the Edge for NTP sync request.