What is the Purpose of This Test

Run this test to list all the possible Overlay and Underlay routes available in the Edge for the specific destination prefix.

When Can You Run This Test

Following are the scenarios when you can run this test:
  • To check and confirm if the Edge is received for both Overlay and Underlay routes (if available) for the specific destination prefix.
  • To check and confirm the availability of the primary and secondary route paths (if available) for the specific destination prefix.

For instructions, see Run Remote Diagnostic Tests on Edges.

What to Check in the Test Output

Run the Show BGPv6 Routes per Prefix test on the required Edge. Following is an example of the test output:

Verify the following in the output:
  • The output must display all the possible route entries for the specific destination prefix with the associated local or overlay preferences and community tags.
  • Based on the route order displayed in the Orchestrator, check the availability of the primary and backup route paths for the specific destination prefix in each segment.
  • The Route Type flag must help us to identify the origin of the specific route entry ( i.e., Overlay or Underlay route).
  • The Next Hop IP and Dest Name flags must help us identify the next-hop device IP (for Underlay route types) or the Edge name (for Overlay route types), which advertised the specific route entry.