There are two options to disable Accelerated Networking, via the Azure portal or via the Azure CLI. See the sections below for detailed instructions.

Disable Accelerated Networking

To disable Accelerated Networking, choose one of the two options described in the sections below.

Accelerated Networking Disabled Via Azure Portal

To disable Accelerated Networking on an interface of an existing Virtual Machine (VM):
  1. Stop/deallocate the VM.
  2. Change the setting of accelerated networking to disabled or false.
  3. Restart the VM.
Accelerated Networking disabled via Azure CLI
  1. Deallocate resources of the VM.

    az vm deallocate --resource-group <myResourceGroup> --name <myVm>

  2. Disable Accelerated Networking on the Network Interface Card (NIC).

    az network nic update \

    --name <myNic> \

    --resource-group <myResourceGroup> \

    --accelerated-networking false

  3. Restart the VM.

    az vm start --resource-group <myResourceGroup> --name <myVm>