The deployment of VMware EFS, or any new feature, requires careful consideration and planning.
Understanding your network:
- Common traffic flows - Analyzing the primary direction of your network traffic (branch-to-branch, branch-to-hub, or branch-to-internet) can help you determine the best starting point for deploying EFS.
- Known security measures - Understanding the placement of firewalls with capabilities similar to EFS within your network can inform your decisions regarding traffic inspection. It might be more efficient to leverage existing security hardware.
- Performance pain points - As networks expand, a location that initially began as a small branch might evolve into a medium or even large branch. If the Edge, originally designed for the smaller branch, has not been updated, it might be inadequately equipped to handle EFS, potentially compromising the site's performance.
Some of these factors can be understood through experience with the network, while others will require some investigative work. The VMware Orchestrator provides you with easy-to-use tools and dashboards to accurately formulate a deployment strategy.