Contact the VMware Support team to prepare for the Orchestrator upgrade at:

To upgrade SASE Orchestrator:

  1. Upgrade VMware SASE Orchestrator from Version 5.4.0 to Version 6.0.

    This document provides an overview and best practices on how to upgrade the SASE Orchestrator from the 5.4 release to the 6.0 release only.

    Note: Only 5.4 Orchestrators can be upgraded to the 6.0 release. If you are running a lower version of the Orchestrator, you must upgrade to at least the 5.4 version before upgrading to the 6.0 version.
  2. VMware Support will assist you with your upgrade. Collect the following information prior to contacting Support.
    • Provide the current and target Orchestrator versions, for example: current version (ie 2.5.2 GA-20180430), target version  (3.3.2 p2).
      Note: For the current version, this information can be found on the top, right corner of the Orchestrator by clicking the User Information icon and choosing About.
    • Provide a screenshot of the replication dashboard of the Orchestrator as shown below.
    • Hypervisor Type and version (ie vSphere 6.7)
    • Commands from the Orchestrator:
      Note: Commands must be run as root (e.g. ‘sudo <command>’ or ‘sudo -i’).
      • Run the script /opt/vc/scripts/ to check:
        • LVM layout
        • Memory Information
        • CPU Information
        • Kernel Parameters
        • Some system properties
        • ssh configurations
        • Mysql schema and database sizes
        • File_store locations and sizes
      • Copy of /var/log
        • tar -czf /store/log-`date +%Y%M%S`.tar.gz --newer-mtime="36 hours ago" /var/log
      • From the Standby Orchestrator:
        • sudo mysql --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/velocloud.cnf velocloud -e 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G'
    • From the Active Orchestrator:
      • sudo mysql --defaults-extra-file=/etc/mysql/velocloud.cnf velocloud -e 'SHOW MASTER STATUS \G'
  3. Contact VMware Support with the above-mentioned information for assistance with the Orchestrator upgrade.