What is the Purpose of This Test

Run this test to:
  • Verify the configuration and status of the interface.
  • Check packet loss situation.

When Can You Run This Test

Run this test to check the following:
  • The link detected must be true. If it is false, then you must check the physical cabling and peer end configuration.
  • Ideally RX and TX should be "0". If the RX and TX errors are incrementing, then try replacing the cables/SFP's. The values do not increase when this test is run twice.
  • Negotiation parameter for interface issue.
  • For Modem interface, verify if the signal quality strength is above 80% for a good wireless WAN link.

For instructions, see Run Remote Diagnostic Tests on Edges.

What to Check in the Test Output

Run the Interface Status test on the required Edge. Following is an example of the test output: