Complete the following steps using Google Cloud Platform and VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator to create SD-WAN virtual Edge instances and cloud router in the “us-east1” region:


  1. Create two SD-WAN virtual Edge instances. For instructions, refer to Google Cloud Platform Virtual Edge Deployment Guide.
  2. Log in to the SD-WAN Orchestrator as an Enterprise user, and then add the two SD-WAN virtual Edge instances into a cluster. For instructions, refer to the Configure Edge Clustering topic in the VMware SD-WAN Administration Guide available at VMware SD-WAN Documentation.
  3. From the Google Cloud Console, activate the VPC network global routing mode for the VPC “ncc-west2-pri”. For instructions, refer to Setting the VPC network dynamic routing mode.
  4. Allow relevant inbound traffic in the VPC “ncc-west2-pri”. For instructions, refer to Using firewall rules.
  5. On the Google Cloud Console, create a hub “ncc-hub”. For instructions, refer to Create a Hub.
  6. Add two spokes, one each for the two SD-WAN virtual Edge instances that you created in step 1. Ensure that you select the following when you create the spokes:
    • Select the Network as “ncc-west2-pri”.
    • Select the Spoke type as Router appliance.
    • Select the Region as us-east1.
    • Attach the first spoke to the instance, “sdwan-edge1-east” and the second spoke to the instance, “sdwan-edge2-east”.

    For instructions about how to add spokes, refer to Create a Router appliance spoke.

  7. Create a new cloud router, and then configure BGP sessions for the spokes that you created in step 6. You must configure two BGP sessions per spoke. Ensure that you select the following when you configure BGP sessions:
    • Enter the ASN of the SD-WAN Edge as the Peer ASN.
    • Select Enabled for BGP peer.
    Note: Create only one cloud router and use the router when configuring the subsequent BGP sessions for the spokes, “sdwan-edge1-east” and “sdwan-edge2-east”.

    For instructions about how to configure BGP sessions, refer to Configure BGP peering on the Cloud Router.

  8. Configure BGP on SD-WAN virtual Edge instances, sdwan-edge1-east and sdwan-edge2-east.
    Note: It is recommended that you configure a static internal IP address for your SD-WAN virtual Edge instance so that the IP address does not change every time you reboot the instance. For instructions, refer to Reserving a static internal IP address.
    1. From the Google Cloud Console, retrieve the private interface IP address of SD-WAN virtual Edge instances.
    2. Log in to the SD-WAN Orchestrator as an Enterprise user, and then assign the private interface IP address that you retrieved from the Google Cloud Console to the SD-WAN virtual Edge instances, sdwan-edge1-east-vm and sdwan-edge2-east-vm. For instructions, refer to the Configure Interface Settings section in the VMware SD-WAN Administration Guide available at VMware SD-WAN Documentation.
    3. Configure BGP for SD-WAN virtual Edge instances, sdwan-edge1-east-vm and sdwan-edge2-east-vm. For instructions, refer to the Configure BGP topic in the VMware SD-WAN Administration Guide available at VMware SD-WAN Documentation.
  9. Verify that the four BGP sessions that you configured in step 7 are established in the SD-WAN Orchestrator. For instructions, refer to the Monitor BGP Edge Neighbor State topic in the VMware SD-WAN Administration Guide available at VMware SD-WAN Documentation.
  10. Repeat steps 1-10 to create SD-WAN virtual Edge instances and cloud router in the “us-west2” region.

What to do next

Run a ping test to verify the connection between the SD-WAN virtual Edge instances and cloud routers across the two regions—“us-east1” and “us-west2”. For instructions, refer to the “Ping Test” section in the VMware SD-WAN Administration Guide available at VMware SD-WAN Documentation.