From the Subscriptions screen, users can assign subscriptions to Edges and view detailed subscription and Edge information.

SD-WAN Subscriptions

The SD-WAN Subscription screen displays the following tabs:
  • SD-WAN Subscriptions
  • Add-ons
  • Support & Maintenance Subscriptions
Note: Please reference VMware sales guide to understand the difference between Enterprise, Premium, and Standard subscriptions.

SD-WAN Subscriptions Tab

The SD-WAN Subscriptions Tab provides detailed information about the license; such as, its duration, expiration, and the Edge it is assigned to, etc. For more information, see the image and table below.

Table 1. SD-WAN Subscriptions Information
Column Names and Fields Descriptions
Product Default SD-WAN
License Type SKU from the partner's order. The SD-WAN software subscription SKU includes a snippet of the license details.
License Edition Displays either Enterprise, Premium, or Standard
License Throughput Displays the license throughput or bandwidth.
Order Number The number associated with the license.
Start Date Displays the date the license begins.
Expiration Date Displays the date the license expires.
Expiration Displays the length of time remaining on the license.
PO Number Displays the purchase order number for the license.
Quote Number Displays the quote number, which is linked to the order number for the license.
End Customer Displays the name of the End Customer that will utilize the license.
End Customer SID Displays the identification number for the End Customer.
Partner Displays the name of the Partner associated with the license.
Partner PRM ID Displays the identification number of the Partner.
Edge Name Displays the name of the Edge that is assigned to the license.
Edge Serial Number Displays the serial number of the Edge that is assigned to the license.
Edge HA Serial Number Displays the HA serial number of the Edge that is assigned to the license.
Edge Activation Date Displays the date the assigned Edge is activated.
Edge Assignment Status Displays the license status of the assigned Edge.
Edge Assignment Date Displays the date the Edge is assigned to the license.
Edge Logical ID Displays the logical ID of the Edge.
VCO Enterprise Name Displays the name of the Enterprise Orchestrator.
VCO Host Displays who is hosting the Orchestrator.
License ID Displays the identification number of the license.
Assign Edges Click the Assign Edges link or Assign Edges button, an End Customer can assign a license to an Edge.
Download CSV button Click to download an Excel file of details from the Subscriptions table.
Show Column Icon Click to display available columns in the Subscriptions table.
Subscriptions per page From the Subscriptions per page drop-down menu, choose the number of records to display (10-5000).

Add-Ons Tab

The Add-Ons screen shows Subscription Add-On purchases. Examples include: dedicated Orchestrator, Gateway, Firewall, etc.
Note: Add-Ons cannot be linked to an Edge.

See the image below for the Add-On screen, and see the table below for more details about this screen.

Field Descriptions for ADD-Ons Screen

Column Names and Fields Descriptions
Search Search for a subscription add-on by date.
Start Date Displays the date the license begins.
End Date Displays the date the license ends.
Product Default SD-WAN product.
License Type SKU from the partner's order. The SD-WAN software subscription SKU includes a snippet of the license details.
Order Number The number associated with the license.
Expiration Date Displays the date the license expires.
PO Number Displays the purchase order number for the license.
End Customer Displays the name of the End Customer that will utilize the license.
End Customer SID Displays the identification number for the End Customer.
Assign Edges Click the Assign Edges link or Assign Edges button, an End Customer can assign a license to an Edge.
Download CSV button Click to download an Excel file of details from the Subscriptions table.
Show Column Icon Click to display available columns in the ADD-ons table.
Subscriptions per page From the Subscriptions per page drop-down menu, choose the number of records to display (10-5000).

Support & Maintenance Subscriptions

The Support & Maintenance Subscriptions screen displays the support and maintenance SKUs purchased by the partner/customer.
Note: Edge assignment is not supported.

See the image below for the Support & Maintenance Subscriptions Screen, and see the table below for more details about this screen.

Field Descriptions for Support & Maintenance Subscriptions Screen

Column Names and Fields Descriptions
Start Date Displays the date the license begins.
End Date Displays the date the license ends.
Product Default SD-WAN product.
License Type SKU from the partner's order. The SD-WAN software subscription SKU includes a snippet of the license details.
Description Displays a description of the subscription.
Order Number The number associated with the license.
Expiration Date Displays the date the license expires.
Expiration Displays the length of time remaining on the license.
PO Number Displays the purchase order number for the license.
Quote Number Displays the quote number, which is linked to the order number for the license.
End Customer Displays the name of the End Customer that will utilize the license.
End Customer SID Displays the identification number for the End Customer.
Partner Displays the name of the Partner associated with the license.
Partner PRM ID Displays the identification number of the Partner.
License ID Displays the identification number of the license.
Download CSV button Click to download an Excel file of details from the Subscriptions table.
Show Column Icon Click to display available columns in the Subscriptions table.
Subscriptions per page From the Subscriptions per page drop-down menu, choose the number of records to display (10-5000).