This topic describes how to connect applications to a VMware MySQL instance. This topic covers two methods, either using a Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) workflow, or Tanzu Application Services (TAS).

Binding an Application to a MySQL Instance using TAP workflow

The VMware MySQL 1.3 supports Service Binding with Tanzu Application Platform (TAP). This feature eliminates the manual management of the configuration steps needed to securely and successfuly bind a TAP application to a VMware MySQL deployment. For more information on Service Binding, see Service Binding Specification for Kubernetes in the Kubernetes documentation.

For more information on how to create or update TAP workloads, see Working with Workloads in the TAP documentation.


Setup MySQL with Services Toolkit

The Services Toolkit offers a set of modular tools used to provide a self-service experience to application owners, who require Service Resources running on Tanzu.

Review Service Resource Claims for details on ResourceClaim, ResourceClaimPolicy, and RBAC ClusterRole.

  • To make the MySQL instances discoverable via the Services Toolkit, create a ClusterInstanceClass that refers to the MySQL API and save it in a file like cluster-instance-class-mysql.yaml:

    kind: ClusterInstanceClass
      name: mysql
        short: It's a MySQL database!
        kind: MySQL

    and then run:

    kubectl apply -f cluster-instance-class-mysql.yaml

    Use the Services Toolkit plugin command tanzu services instances list to return the previously created MySQL instance.

  • (Optional) If you are consuming the MySQL instance from a Workload in another namespace, you will have to enable cross-namespace claims via a ResourceClaimPolicy.

    If your MySQL instance resides in the default namespace, save the following in a file like resource-claim-policy-mysql.yaml:

    kind: ResourceClaimPolicy
      name: mysql-cross-namespace
      namespace: default
      - '*' # consumable from all namespaces
        kind: MySQL

    and then run:

    kubectl apply -f resource-claim-policy-mysql.yaml

Create a MySQL Claim

Resource Claims allow Application teams to "claim" resources, and Service Operators to provide resources to be "claimed". This provides a self-service experience for the developer, but gives the Service Operators ultimate control of the Service Resources.

To claim a MySQL instance:

  1. Find the information needed to make a resource claim by running:

    tanzu service claimable list --class mysql
    #! `--class` is the name of the ClusterInstanceClass defined in the previous step

    With an output similar to:

    MYSQL-NAME  default    MySQL

    where MYSQL-NAME is the name of the previously created MySQL instance.

    See Discover claimable service instances for more information on the different flags and options available.

  2. Create a claim for the MySQL instance from the namespace of your Workload by running:

    tanzu service claims create CLAIM-NAME \
      --resource-name MYSQL-NAME \
      --resource-namespace default \
      --resource-kind MySQL \


    • MYSQL-NAME is the name of the previously created MySQL instance.
    • CLAIM-NAME is the name you want to give to the resource claim instance.

    The next section shows how to inspect the claim and use it to bind to an application Workload.

    Use tanzu service claims create --help for further usage and help information.

Bind a TAP Workload with MySQL

This topic covers:

Bind a new TAP Workload

To create an application Workload bound to a MySQL instance:

  1. Inspect the claims in your workload namespace to find the value to pass to --service-ref command by running:

    tanzu services claims list -n default

    Expected output:

    NAME           READY  REASON
    CLAIM-NAME     True   Ready

    Where CLAIM-NAME is the name of the previously created resource claim instance.

    See Listing and getting Resource Claims for more information on the different flags and options available.

  2. Retrieve detailed information about the claim by running:

    tanzu services claims get CLAIM-NAME

    where CLAIM-NAME is the name of the previously created resource claim instance.

    The output is similar to:

    Name: CLAIM-NAME
      Ready: True
    Namespace: app-namespace
    Claim Reference:
    Resource to Claim:
      Name: MYSQL-NAME
      Namespace: default
      Version: v1
      Kind: MySQL


    • MYSQL-NAME is the name of the previously created MySQL instance.
    • CLAIM-NAME is the name of the previously created resource claim instance.
  3. Record the value of Claim Reference and pass it to --service-ref to create the application Workload by running:

    tanzu apps workload create WORKLOAD-NAME [create flags] \
      --service-ref "" \


    • WORKLOAD-NAME is the name that will be given to the workload.
    • [create flags] are the appropriate flags to build the workload from source control, registry image, or local file.
    • --service-ref is the reference to the service using the format {key-name}={apiVersion}:{kind}:{instance-name}.
      • CLAIM-NAME is the name of the previously created resource claim instance.
      • key-name is a unique name given to service binding for the Workload.
    • --annotation value of "1" prevents the auto-scaling down of pods done by the TAP components. This can help with debugging the Workload.

    See Tanzu apps workload create for more information on the different flags and options available.

Example Workload

You can also create a Workload yaml file where you can specify environment variables, build parameters, etc. that are required by your application to be built and run successfully. The example Workload yaml below shows a spring-petclinic application that binds to a claim of a MySQL instance via a resource claim claim-1.

kind: Workload
  name: pet-clinic
  labels: web pet-clinic
  - name: annotations
    value: "1"
    - name: BP_MAVEN_POM_FILE
      value: skip-pom.xml
    value: mysql
  - name: db
      kind: ResourceClaim
      name: claim-1
        branch: main


  • BP_MAVEN_POM_FILE needs to be set to some non-existent value (in this example, skip-pom.xml) in order to build the upstream spring-petclinic app correctly. Refer to this open issue for more details.
  • SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE is set to MySQL to override the default application configuration.
  • The annotation "1" prevents the auto-scaling down of Pods done by the TAP components. This can help with debugging the Workload.

Save the above content in workload.yaml file and then run kubectl apply -f workload.yaml

Important: This example creates a workload with the sample Spring application spring-petclinic that is available on Github. The sample application is subject to change and may face issues during build and run steps in the TAP workflow. Consider specifying a commit sha to use an older state of the sample application as needed for demo and test purposes.

Bind an existing TAP workload

To update an existing TAP Workload to connect and utilize a MySQL database instance, run a command similar to:

tanzu apps workload update WORKLOAD-NAME [update flags] --service-ref ""


  • WORKLOAD-NAME is the name of the Workload.
  • [update flags] are the appropriate flags to build the Workload from source control, registry image, or local file.
  • --service-ref is the reference to the service using the format {key-name}={apiVersion}:{kind}:{name}.
    • CLAIM-NAME is the name of the previously created resource claim instance.
    • key-name is a unique name given to service binding for the Workload.

For example:

tanzu apps workload update pet-clinic --service-ref ""

See Tanzu apps workload update for more information on the different flags available.

Verify a TAP Workload Service Binding

To check if your application has been successfully bound to the MySQL instance:

  • Check that the corresponding ResourceClaim object is ready. The ResourceClaim name follows the format <>-<.spec.serviceClaim[0].name> as given in the Workload yaml as shown above. In this example, it would be pet-clinic-db.

    kubectl get resourceclaims pet-clinic-db
    NAME                                                         READY   REASON   True
  • Query the database using the MySQL application user named mysqlappuser.

    Fetch the corresponding credentials and connection details from the Secret referenced in field in the MySQL instance CR. With a MySQL called mysql-sample, the Secret would be mysql-sample-app-user-db-secret and the data can be verified in the mysql-sample database.

    $ dbname=$(kubectl get secrets mysql-sample-app-user-db-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.database}' | base64 -D)
    $ username=$(kubectl get secrets mysql-sample-app-user-db-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 -D)
    $ password=$(kubectl get secrets mysql-sample-app-user-db-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -D)
    $ host=$(kubectl get secrets mysql-sample-app-user-db-secret -o jsonpath='{}' | base64 -D)
    $ port=$(kubectl get secrets mysql-sample-app-user-db-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.port}' | base64 -D)

    For example, in case of a spring-petclinic application, on running a mysql query:

    $ mysql -u$username -p $password
    mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 22
    Server version: 8.0.26-17 Percona Server (GPL), Release '17', Revision 'd7119cd'
    Copyright (c) 2009-2021 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
    mysql> use mysqlappuser_data;
    Database changed
    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_mysqlappuser_data |
    | owners                      |
    | pets                        |
    | specialties                 |
    | types                       |
    | vet_specialties             |
    | vets                        |
    | visits                      |
    7 rows in set (0.01 sec)
    mysql> select * from owners;
    | id | first_name | last_name | address               | city        | telephone  |
    |  1 | George     | Franklin  | 110 W. Liberty St.    | Madison     | 6085551023 |
    |  2 | Betty      | Davis     | 638 Cardinal Ave.     | Sun Prairie | 6085551749 |
    |  3 | Eduardo    | Rodriquez | 2693 Commerce St.     | McFarland   | 6085558763 |
    |  4 | Harold     | Davis     | 563 Friendly St.      | Windsor     | 6085553198 |
    |  5 | Peter      | McTavish  | 2387 S. Fair Way      | Madison     | 6085552765 |
    |  6 | Jean       | Coleman   | 105 N. Lake St.       | Monona      | 6085552654 |
    |  7 | Jeff       | Black     | 1450 Oak Blvd.        | Monona      | 6085555387 |
    |  8 | Maria      | Escobito  | 345 Maple St.         | Madison     | 6085557683 |
    |  9 | David      | Schroeder | 2749 Blackhawk Trail  | Madison     | 6085559435 |
    | 10 | Carlos     | Estaban   | 2335 Independence La. | Waunakee    | 6085555487 |
    10 rows in set (0.01 sec)```

Binding VMware MySQL to a TAS Application


Before you can connect an application running on TAS to a VMware MySQL Operator instance, you must have:

  • The Kubernetes Command Line Interface (kubectl) installed. For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.

  • A VMware MySQL Operator instance installed on a Kubernetes cluster that supports a form of external ingress, for example a LoadBalancer. For more details see Creating and Deleting MySQL Instances.

  • An application that is deployed to TAS and can access the Kubernetes cluster ingress points.

Binding an Application

To bind a MySQL instance to an application running on TAS:

  1. Deploy an instance of VMware SQL with MySQL for Kubernetes that uses a public ingress method, such as LoadBalancer.

  2. Enable TLS for the instance, following the instructions in Configuring TLS for MySQL Instances.

  3. Create a database and a privileged MySQL user for the application, following the procedure Create a Database and Privileged MySQL User for the App.

  4. Set the environment variables for your newly created user and for the load balancer hostname:

    export HOSTNAME=$(kubectl get service mysql-sample  -o 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}')
    export USER=bn_wordpress
    export PASSWORD=hunter2
    export DATABASE=for_my_app
  5. Create a credentials hash for a TAS user-provided service configuration:

    cf create-user-provided-service k8s-vmware-sql -p "{\"uri\":\"mysql://$USER:$PASSWORD@$HOSTNAME:3306/$DATABASE?reconnect=true&sslMode=required&ssl_mode=required\"}"

If autoconnect is supported by the applicatioin buildpack, as is common with data services, the application will automatically connect to the database instance. If the buildpack does not support autoconnect, you will need to manually use the uri service credentials to connect the application to the database instance.


This procedure, including autowiring, was validated with a Spring Boot application. Autowiring did not work with a Ruby on Rails application, because the version of the MariaDB client library in the Cloud Foundry cflinuxfs3 stack does not support sslMode.

  • If your application cannot make SSL connections, start by properly consuming the connection information components and making a manual connection from the application.
  • Some techniques for connecting non-Spring applications are provided in the Activate TLS for Non-Spring Apps section of the MySQL for VMs documentation. The credentials hash created in the Binding an Application procedure above does not include individual components of connection information, such as username and hostname, but you can derive these components by parsing the uri in the hash.
  • As a last resort, you can deactivate TLS on the MySQL instance and remove the ssl_mode and sslMode parameters from the credentials hash.
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