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Here is a scenario that can lead to a large CredHub database. In this scenario, thousands of entries needed to be removed from CredHub. We have replicated this scenario in a lab and this topic walks through it for reference, in case you run into this situation.

The MySQL for TAS tile configures on-demand Service Instances (SIs) to generate backups at a specified cron schedule. Whenever the backup is taken, it is encrypted and the encryption key for the backup is saved in the Tanzu Application Service CredHub. For more information about these backups, see Backup MySQL.


If an environment has a large number of on demand MySQL Service Instances (SIs) configured with a cron schedule that collects multiple backups per day, then over time, this can build up many entries in the CredHub database because a new encryption key is generated for each backup, for each SI.

Restoring a MySQL backup requires the key that encrypted it. Due to customer retention policy and requirements, there is currently no cleanup logic to remove old encryption keys from TAS CredHub.


For this repro we created 5 MySQL Service Instances. We then configured our MySQL backup cron schedule at once per minute. 5 SIs * 1 backup per minute = 7,200 CredHub entries created per day total for all SIs collectively. We let this run for a few days before reverting the cron schedule to once weekly. Finally, we deleted one of the SIs that we no longer need, thereby we have entries in CredHub for a SI that no longer exists. We currently have 24,861 entries in CredHub:

This would be equivalent to an environment with 40 SIs at 3 backups per day for a duration of roughly 207 days.

Now that we have our setup, let us define our goals.

  • We want to keep the last 7 backup encryption keys in CredHub for each actively deployed SI.
  • We only want to remove older unneeded mysql backup encryption keys.
  • We want to automate this as there will be a large number of entries to delete.

To accomplish our goals we will perform the following: A - Generate a CredHub backup prior to any modifications. (Step 2 in procedure outlined in this KB) B - Generate a list of all CredHub names currently in CredHub. (Step 3 in procedure outlined in this KB) C - Generate a list of all MySQL SI guids. D - Generate a sorted list of all CredHub names that pertain to MySQL encryption keys. E - Generate the list of the encryption keys to keep. F - Generate the list of the encryption keys to prune. G - Initiate the delete script that removes all entries listed in the prune list.

We created a folder at ~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir to store all of our files for this repro.

Step A

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ credhub export -f credhub-export-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-T%H-%M-%S').yml

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ ls | grep credhub

Step B

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ credhub find | grep name | cut -d' ' -f3 > credhub-names-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-T%H-%M-%S').txt

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ ls | grep credhub

Step C

We created a script and leveraged v3 CAPI to retrieve all SI guids and filtered with jq for the SIs that were only associated with MySQL. We appended the guids to a list and this list is all MySQL SI guids that are currently deployed. This script is named and it will generate a file named currently-deployed-mysql-SI-guids-<DATE>.txt.

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ cat 
for i in `cf curl /v3/service_instances?per_page=100 | jq -r '.resources[] | select(.maintenance_info.description != null) | select(.maintenance_info.description | startswith("MySQL")) | .guid'`
    echo "$SI_GUID" >> currently-deployed-mysql-SI-guids-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-T%H-%M-%S').txt
~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ ./

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ ls 
credhub-export-2022-07-22-T16-03-25.yml  currently-deployed-mysql-SI-guids-2022-07-22-T16-48-51.txt

Step D

We need to generate a sorted list of all CredHub entries that pertain to only MySQL backup encryption keys. We will call this list all-mysql-encryption-key-names-in-credhub-<DATE>.txt.

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ grep '/tanzu-mysql/backups/' credhub-names-2022-07-22-T16-24-48.txt | sort > all-encryption-key-names-in-credhub-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-T%H-%M-%S').txt

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ ls

Step E

We created a script that will generate a list of the latest 7 entries in CredHub per currently deployed SI. The script is named and will generate a file named credhub-entries-to-be-kept-<DATE>.txt. This list will represent the entries that we wish to keep in CredHub. This list can be generated from all-encryption-key-names-in-credhub-2022-07-22-T18-54-38.txt and currently-deployed-mysql-SI-guids-2022-07-22-T16-48-51.txt. We want to iterate over every SI guid and pull the latest 7 entries from all-encryption-key-names-in-credhub-2022-07-22-T18-54-38.txt and append to credhub-entries-to-be-kept-<DATE>.txt.

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ cat 

for i in `cat currently-deployed-mysql-SI-guids-2022-07-22-T16-48-51.txt`
  grep $i all-encryption-key-names-in-credhub-2022-07-22-T18-54-38.txt | tail -7 >> credhub-entries-to-be-kept-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-T%H-%M-%S').txt
~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ cat credhub-entries-to-be-kept-2022-07-22-T19-02-47.txt 

Step F

To generate the list of names to prune, we will compare the 2 files credhub-entries-to-be-kept-2022-07-22-T19-02-47.txt and all-encryption-key-names-in-credhub-2022-07-22-T18-54-38.txt for their differences and redirect to another file called credhub-entries-to-be-prune-<DATE>.txt.

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ grep -vf credhub-entries-to-be-kept-2022-07-22-T19-02-47.txt all-encryption-key-names-in-credhub-2022-07-22-T18-54-38.txt > credhub-entries-to-be-prune-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-T%H-%M-%S').txt

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ ls -ltr
total 7864
-rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 2883889 Jul 22 16:22 credhub-export-2022-07-22-T16-03-25.yml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 1715409 Jul 22 16:24 credhub-names-2022-07-22-T16-24-48.txt
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu     354 Jul 22 16:48
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu     148 Jul 22 16:48 currently-deployed-mysql-SI-guids-2022-07-22-T16-48-51.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 1715409 Jul 22 18:54 all-encryption-key-names-in-credhub-2022-07-22-T18-54-38.txt
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ubuntu ubuntu     240 Jul 22 19:02
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu    1932 Jul 22 19:02 credhub-entries-to-be-kept-2022-07-22-T19-02-47.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 1713477 Jul 22 19:19 credhub-entries-to-be-prune-2022-07-22-T19-19-14.txt
We want to ensure that the size of credhub-entries-to-be-kept-2022-07-22-T19-02-47.txt + credhub-entries-to-be-prune-2022-07-22-T19-19-14.txt = all-encryption-key-names-in-credhub-2022-07-22-T18-54-38.txt. 1713477 + 1932 = 1715409. 

Step G

We now have the necessary lists generated so that we can proceed to automate deleting unneeded entries from CredHub. We created a script that will do this for us named Sometimes the prune list can be large and the deletion process can take several hours, depending on how many entries need to be removed and/or resource constraint on the associated VMs. The CredHub CLI’s token can expire after some time and because of this we added logic to re-login every 85 iterations.

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ cat 

for i in `cat credhub-entries-to-be-prune-2022-07-22-T19-19-14.txt`
echo "Pruning $i $(credhub delete -n $i)"
(( COUNT++ ))
if [[ $COUNT -eq 85 ]]; then
  credhub login  --client-name=credhub_admin_client --client-secret=<SECRET HERE>
~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ nohup ./ &
[1] 13989
We are using nohup with our script and throwing its process in the background in case our terminal session gets disconnected. When using nohup, it will create a PID (PID is 13989 in this example) to do the work in and write the output to a file in the present working directory called nohup.out. By reviewing the nohup.out file, we can see which entries were successfully deleted and which ones were not. Example:

~/credhub-cleanup-working-dir$ tail nohup.out 
Pruning /tanzu-mysql/backups/174fb5a3-9c0c-4581-8024-4b28b3e7d3f1_1657884780 Credential successfully deleted
Pruning /tanzu-mysql/backups/174fb5a3-9c0c-4581-8024-4b28b3e7d3f1_1657884841 Credential successfully deleted
Since the output is on one line, we can use logic similar to the following to review which entries were unsuccessful:

cat nohup.out | grep Pruning  | grep -v success | cut -d' ' -f2

If there are any credentials that did not get deleted from the script, just redo this process and/or manually remove them.

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