You can create custom recovery steps for Site Recovery Manager to perform tasks on a virtual machine after Site Recovery Manager powers it on.

Site Recovery Manager associates command steps with a protected or recovered virtual machine in the same way as customization information. If multiple recovery plans contain the same virtual machine, Site Recovery Manager includes the commands in all of the recovery plans .



  1. In the vSphere Client, click Site Recovery > Open Site Recovery.
  2. On the Site Recovery home tab, select a site pair and click View Details.
  3. On the Recovery Plans tab, select a recovery plan, and click Recovery Steps.
  4. Right-click a virtual machine and click Configure Recovery.
  5. On the Recovery Properties tab, click Post Power On Steps.
  6. Click New to add a step.
  7. In the Name text box, enter a name for the step.
    The step name appears in the list of steps in the Recovery Steps view.
  8. In the Content text box, enter the command or script to run.
  9. Modify the Timeout setting for the command to run on the virtual machine.
  10. Click Add to add the step to the recovery plan.
  11. Click OK to reconfigure the virtual machine to run the command after it powers on.