Protection Group events provide information about actions and status related to protection groups.

Table 1. Protection Group Replication Events
Event Description Cause Category
CreatedEvent Created protection group. Posted on both vCenter Servers in the completion of the Commit phase of creating a protection group. Info
RemovedEvent Removed protection group. Posted on both vCenter Servers in the completion of the Commit phase of removing a protection group. Info
ReconfiguredEvent Reconfigured protection group. Posted on both vCenter Servers in the completion of the Commit phase of reconfiguring a protection group. Info
ProtectedVmCreatedEvent Virtual machine in group is configured for protection. Posted on both vCenter Servers in the completion of the Commit phase of the protection of a virtual machine. Info
ProtectedVmRemovedEvent Virtual machine in group is no longer configured for protection. Posted on both vCenter Servers in the completion of the Commit phase of unprotecting a virtual machine. Info
ProtectedVmReconfiguredProtectionSettingsEvent Reconfigured protection settings for virtual machine. Posted on both vCenter Servers in the completion of the Commit phase of reconfiguring virtual machine protection settings. Info
ProtectedVmReconfiguredRecoveryLocationSettingsEvent Reconfigured recovery location settings for virtual machine. Posted on the protected site vCenter Server only on the successful completion of reconfiguring the recovery location settings for a protected virtual machine. Info
PlaceholderVmCreatedEvent The placeholder virtual machine was created in the vCenter Server inventory. Posted on the recovery site vCenter Server placeholder virtual machine is created as a result of protection, repair operation. Info
PlaceholderVmCreatedFromOldProductionVmEvent The placeholder virtual machine was created in the vCenter Server inventory using the identity of the old protected virtual machine. Posted on the recovery site vCenter Server placeholder virtual machine is created as a result of swapping the old protected virtual machine with a placeholder virtual machine during or after reprotect operation . Info
VmFullyProtectedEvent Virtual machine in group: Unresolved devices have all been resolved. A protected virtual machine's previously unresolved devices have all been resolved. Warning
VmNotFullyProtectedEvent Virtual machine in group: One or more devices need to be configured for protection. Posted on the protected site vCenter Server only upon device handling updating the recovery location settings with a non-empty unresolvedDevices set. This can be triggered by changes to the protected virtual machine or during reprotect of a virtual machine. Warning
PlaceholderVmUnexpectedlyDeletedEvent Virtual machine in group: The placeholder virtual machine was removed from the vCenter Server inventory. Posted on the recovery site vCenter Server when Site Recovery Manager detects that the placeholder virtual machine was unexpectedly deleted or removed from the vCenter Server inventory. Warning
ProductionVmDeletedEvent Virtual machine in group: The protected virtual machine has been removed from the virtual machine vCenter Server inventory. Posted when a protected virtual machine is deleted or removed from the vCenter Server inventory. Error
ProductionVmInvalidEvent Virtual machine in group: Cannot resolve the file locations of the protected virtual machine for replication. Posted when the replication provider cannot find the protected virtual machine files in order to replicate them. Error