You can add, edit, or delete VMware Aria Operations to/from the Skyline Collector.

Follow these steps to add, edit, or delete VMware Aria Operations to/from the Skyline Collector:



Skyline Log Assist does not support the transferring of VMware Aria Operations support bundles to VMware Global Support Services. Any VMware Aria Operations added to a Skyline Collector does not appear within the Log Assist page of Skyline Advisor.

The following permission is required for the account to add the VMware Aria Operations to the Skyline Collector:

  • VMware Aria Operations Read-Only Role

This permission is sufficient for collecting product usage data.


You must assign the required permission to the user account. Assigning the required permission to a group, and using a user account within that group to add VMware Aria Operations to the Skyline Collector fails the privileges check within Skyline Advisor.


  1. In the Skyline Collector, click Configuration.
  2. Under Products, click VMware Aria Operations.
  3. Choose one of the following three options:
    Option Description

    Add VMware Aria Operations

    To add VMware Aria Operations to the Skyline Collector, click ADD OPERATIONS. To add a VMware Aria Operations to the Skyline Collector, advance to Step 4.

    Edit VMware Aria Operations

    To edit a VMware Aria Operations, click Edit.

    You can only edit the following properties for VMware Aria Operations:

    • Account Username

    • Account Password

    After you have finished editing VMware Aria Operations, click Update.

    Delete VMware Aria Operations

    To delete a VMware Aria Operations from the Skyline Collector, click Delete.

    Deleting a VMware Aria Operations removes it from the Skyline Collector, and discontinues the collection of product usage data for that VMware Aria Operations instance. Findings, and Upgrade Recommendations is not available for the VMware Aria Operations.

  4. After clicking ADD OPERATIONS, follow these steps to add a VMware Aria Operations to the Skyline Collector.
    1. Enter the FQDN/IP Address of the VMware Aria Operations.
    2. Enter a Account Username for connecting to the VMware Aria Operations.
      • user - local user to VMware Aria Operations.

      • user@WorkspaceONE - user external to VMware Aria Operations, with authSource "WorkspaceONE" defined in any of the authentication types (VC, OPEN_LDAP, ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, VIDM)

      • user@WorkspaceONE@@VIDM - user external to VMware Aria Operations, with authSource "WorkspaceONE" defined in VIDM authType, where the same authSource exists in another authType.

    3. Enter the Account Password.
  5. To complete adding the VMware Aria Operations to the Skyline Collector, click Add.


VMware Aria Operations has been added to the Skyline Collector. Repeat these steps to add additional VMware Aria Operations to the Skyline Collector.