You can modify the root password expiration policy.

You can modify the root password expiration policy. This includes activating and deactivating the root password expiration and the number of days after which the root password expires.


  1. In the Skyline Collector, click Configuration.
  2. Under System, click Root Password Expiration.
  3. To activate or deactivate the Root Password Expiration, follow these steps:
    Option Description

    Activate Root Password Expiration

    To activate Root Password Expiration, toggle the switch to the right. The switch states Yes, and turns Green [].

    Choose the number of days after which the Root Password expires. You can choose between 7 and 365 days.

    Deactivate Root Password Expiration

    To deactivate Root Password Expiration, toggle the switch to the left. The switch states Disabled (Not Recommended), and turns Grey [].

    The Root Password does not expire.

  4. Click Save Settings.

What to do next

If you have set a few days for the root password to expire, enable the Skyline Collector Password Expiry email notification available within Skyline Advisor. Within Skyline Advisor, click Settings, to access Email Notification Preferences. See the Skyline Advisor User Guide for more details.