You might want to change various settings for the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics appliance for better user experience and performance. The configuration settings are now available in the user interface.

Only shd-admin user or users with the administrative privilege can modify the properties from the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics user interface.

Configuration Properties


Log File Size

This property indicates the maximum allowed file size for Skyline Health Diagnostics logs. If the size of the logs exceeds this value, the logs are overwritten. Note the value is specified in Megabyte (MB).

Log File Count

This property indicates the number of Skyline Health Diagnostics log files that will be retained after log rotation.

Password History

This property indicates the number of saved passwords that were used previously.

Note: You cannot reuse any of the saved passwords.

Password expiry (in days)

This property indicates the duration (in days) for which a password can be used. Beyond this period, the UI authentication will fail. You can set the value as 90 or 180 days.

Log in Failure Count

This property specifies the permitted number of authentication failures before the user account is locked. Setting to 0 will deactivate Account Lockout.

Log in Failure Window

This property specifies the duration in minutes to track authentication failures before account lockout.

Account Lockout Duration

This property specifies the duration in minutes the account remains locked. During this time, the user is disallowed from logging in to VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics.

Log Analyze Limit

The duration in days for which log events are analyzed from the log collection time. Setting the value to 0 will deactivate.

Number of Log Indexers

This property specifies the number of log indexers deployed for log indexing. The log indexer helps to index the logs. Faster indexing results in faster log analysis and report generation. The recommended number of indexers value is n-1, where n is the number of vCPUs of the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics virtual machine. As the default number of vCPUs for the appliance are four so, you keep the value to three.

Number of Log Extractors

This property specifies the number of log extractions that can run in parallel.

Log Generation Timeout

This property is used during the log collection phase of the analysis operation, it specifies duration in minutes for which analysis waits for log bundle generation to complete. The value being 0 indicates no timeout.

Log Download Timeout

This property is used during the log collection phase of the analysis operation, it specifies duration in minutes for which the analysis workflow waits for log bundle download to complete. The value being 0 indicates no timeout.

Log Extraction Timeout

This property used during the log extraction phase of analysis operation; it specifies duration in minutes for which the analysis workflow will wait for log bundle extraction to complete. The value being 0 indicates no timeout.

SSH Keep alive Timeout

This property specifies duration in minutes for which a workflow will wait for an SSH connection to respond.

Show Owned Reports Only

This property allows access to the reports that are generated as part of analysis initiated by you. You will not be able to see the reports from other users. Note: shd-admin has access to all the reports.

Report Retention Period

The period in days after which a report is deleted automatically. Use 0 to deactivate auto delete.

HTTP or HTTPS Connection Timeout

This property specifies the duration in seconds to wait before the external HTTP or HTTPS connection timeout.

Scheduler run frequency

How often the scheduler checks for the pending schedules (in seconds)

Max Schedule Submit Task

Max parallel schedules can be submitted

Notification Backlog Processing Frequency

How often the notification backlog is processed (in seconds)

Notifications Retry Count

How many times Email Notification will be retried on transient failures