A diagnostics report includes detailed information related to VMware vSAN Storage Health checks performed on the vSAN enabled clusters in the VMware vCenter Server.

VMware vSAN Storage Health Diagnostics

VMware vSAN Storage Health Check diagnostics report displays the information for all vSAN enabled clusters selected.

VMware vSAN Storage Health Summary

The Summary section provides following details,

  • Plug-in Run

  • Number of findings

  • Errors

  • Warnings

  • Informative

The Analysis Result section provides summary base on the criticality of the health issue. Health issues are categorized into,

  • Error

  • Warning

  • Info

VMware vSAN Storage Health Details

This section has a data grid showing one row of each of the findings. Each row shows the Issues and cause summary with host details.

The Health Checker includes vSAN Health category. It provides following details,

  1. Issue Summary: The issue detected by vSAN Health Check plug-in.

  2. Description: Provides description of the issue.

  3. KB: It is the VMware Knowledge Base article Id that can describe the issue in detail and provide resolution or workaround if available.

  4. Resolution: KB link for the issue identified.

  5. Investigation details: Provides investigation details for the analysis done and impacted hosts.