This section provides the maximum supported limits for the analyze operation on the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics.

Maximum Limits for the Analyze Operation

  1. The maximum number of ESXi hosts allowed to select during the analyze operations are sixty-four. You can select the VMware vCenter Server along with VMware ESXi host limit.

  2. The maximum number of parallel analysis runs allowed are four, across the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics. This means if five users want to run the analysis in parallel, only four will be executed and other analyze operations will error out. After an analyze operation is completed, the user can start the new analysis operation.

  3. You can submit four parallel analyze operations with maximum sixty-four VMware ESXi hosts in each request.

Maximum Limits for all the Activities

Maximum Upgrade Summary

Last five upgrade activities will be displayed.

Download History Summary

Last five download activities will be displayed.

Maximum Tasks displayed

Recent Task view displays ten most recent tasks.

Maximum number of hosts allowed to select in the analysis operation

You can select maximum sixty-four VMware ESXi hosts for and one VMware vCenter Server in an analyze operation run.

Maximum number of parallel runs across SHD

The maximum number of parallel analyses run allowed are four across the Skyline Health Diagnostics.