REST APIs use JWT based authentication tokens and they are passed with each request using header option Authentication with value Bearer JWT_Token where JWT_Token is the access_token obtained using Token Request API.

The token request API expects a valid credential of VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics user. On successful authentication, The VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics REST API Server will return two types of JWT Tokens.

  • access_token: A short lived JWT token to be used in header for all protected endpoint on the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics REST API Server

  • refresh_token: A long lived JWT Token to be used to refresh the access_token either before or after the expiry of current access_token.

Token expiry time will be part of the response received for Token Request/Refresh request.

Some of the APIs can be used only by a user with SHD Administrator role. These endpoints will return HTTP Error 403 when accessed by a user without SHD Administrator role.