API Explorer organizes all available APIs using Tags. These tags are logical grouping of available APIs based on the area of application or operation of these APIs.

This table provides a summary of all the APIs and related actions you can perform using REST APIs. Use the API Explorer to review detailed documentation about the APIs.






APIs related to authenticating to the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics.

Request, Refresh or Delete (logout) token from VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics Server.

Credential Store

Manage the Credential Store.

Activate/Deactivate and check the Status of Credential Store.

Trust Manager

Manage the Trust information of the Targets SHD is expected to connect.

Add/Remove trusted targets to/from trust store.

By default, VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics doesn't connect to any Target whose certificate cannot be verified. You need to explicitly trust them by adding information to trust store.


Configure and manage the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics

Configure License and CEIP settings, Manage SMTP/Distribution Groups, Manage Proxy Settings, Update VCG Database, User Management, Update Management.

Workflow Common

Common operations related to Analysis workflow and Profiles.

Retrieve a list of supported products and available checks, List, Run or Delete available profiles.

Create, Edit and Copy Profile APIs are not available with this release. Use the user interface to perform the operation.

Workflow Report

Report Management.

Retrieve HTML/Binary reports for the Analysis.

Binary reports are gzipped HTML Reports which are Base64 encoded. As the reports content can be quite large, it is advised to use Binary option over the HTML option.

Workflow Summary

Summary of Analysis Workflow/Run.

Get Summary of Analysis, Tasks, Delete an analysis record.


Task Management

Retrieve Status, Summary of Analysis tasks.

VMware vSphere Workflows,

VMware vCenter Server Workflows

VMware ESXi Server Workflows

VMware vSAN Workflows

Analysis related actions for Analysis or Diagnostics of VMware vSphere Products.

Retrieve available checks, Validate/Start new Analysis Workflow/Run.

A new target with Self Signed or non-verifiable certificate needs to be added to trust store before it could be analyzed.

VMware Cloud Foundation Workflows

Analysis related actions for Analysis/Diagnostics of VMware Cloud Foundation.

Retrieve available checks and Validate/Start new Analysis Workflow/Run.

A new target with Self-signed or non-verifiable certificate needs to be added to trust store before it could be analyzed.

VMware Horizon Workflows

Analysis related actions for Analysis/Diagnostics of VMware Horizon Products.

Retrieve available checks, Validate/Start new Analysis Workflow/Run.

A new target with Self Signed or non-verifiable certificate needs to be added to trust store before it could be analyzed.


Manage Offline Analysis using log bundles.

Offline Analysis using Local or Remote Log bundles from supported products.