Diagnostics report includes detailed report related to hardware compatibility checks performed on the server or IO Devices for the ESXi server for which the log bundle has been analyzed.

VCG or vSAN HCL Validation

Server and Storage or Network IO devices are validated against the VMware Compatibility Guides. vSAN used Storage I/O devices are validated against the vSAN HCL. Currently vSAN validation is limited to Storage I/O devices only. Firmware levels for Server and I/O devices are not validated but included in the report.

VCG or vSAN HCL Validation Summary

This section has a data grid showing one row of each of the findings. Each row shows the device and validation summary.


  • Device: Name of the device as it named on ESXi server.

  • Description: Description of the device.

  • VCG Status: Compatibility Status for the Device.

  • Driver Status: Compatibility Status of the Driver being used.

  • Current Driver/Version: Driver and the Version being used.

  • VCG Driver: The latest driver version as indicated by the VMware Compatability Guide.

  • Current Firmware: Firmware currently being used (May not be available for all devices).

  • VCG Firmware: Latest firmware version as indicated by VMware Compatability Guide.

  • Forward Support: Future upgrade support (Shows current and later versions supported for this device)

Status Indicators

  • Not Checked: Device was not checked for compatibility as VCG Database is not updated.

  • Not Listed: This device was not found on the compatibility guide.

  • Supported: Device is supported for the current version of ESXi running.

  • Not Supported: Device is NOT supported for the current version of ESXi running.

  • Not Latest: Device currently being used is not the latest one compared to the one listed on VCG.

  • Not Minium: Driver currently being used is does not meet the minimum version listed on VCG.

VCG Details

Each row in the VCG or vSAN HCL report can be expanded to view further details from the compatibility guide. Click expand row button to expand the row and view the details. Clicking the same collapses, the details section.