Each successful task such as diagnostic, health, security and upgrade check performed on VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics generates a report. The list of generated reports can be viewed based on selected criteria or filters.

As an Operator or an Administrator, you might want to quickly search all the reports generated for a specific VMware ESX Host Machine.


Make sure you have a valid user account for VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics.


  1. Log into the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics UI using the supported browser.
  2. Click Show Reports on the top navigation menu.
  3. Click on the icon to exapnd the All reports menu.
  4. Select any of the following options shown in the left menu.
    • Diagnostics: Lists the reports that have diagnostics plug-ins selected at the time of analysis.

    • Upgrade Precheck (vCenter): Lists the reports that have Upgrade Precheck plug-ins selected at the time of analysis.

    • VMware Security Advisory: Lists the reports that have security plug-ins selected at the time of analysis.

    • vSAN HealthCheck: Lists the reports that have vSAN plug-ins selected at the time of analysis.

    • VCG Check: Lists the reports that have VCG plug-ins selected at the time of analysis.

    • VMWare Cloud Foundation-HealthCheck: Lists the reports that have VMware Cloud Foundation plug-ins selected at the time of analysis.

  5. You can filter the listed reports using the following fields. Click the filter icon and type the keyword.
    • Bundle Name

    • Analysis Type

    • Tags

    • User Name

    • ID

    • Start Time


Figure 1. Input the start time to search the reports by time.