To know the upgrade blockers or incompatibilities, connect to VMware vCenter server (version < 8.0) and run upgrade prechecks. These issues will potentially block or fail the upgrade of VMware vCenter server.


  • Make sure that you have the VMware vCenter Server SSO Administrator credentials.

  • Make sure that you have the root password for VMware vCenter Server.

  • Make sure that you have login credentials for VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics.


  1. Log in to the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics UI using the Web browser.
  2. In the top-menu, click Analyze > Connect and Analyze > Upgrade Precheck (vCenter) .

    The Upgrade Precheck - vCenter form should be loaded.

  3. Enter the VMware vCenter server Hostname or IP address in the Host Name/IP text box.
  4. Enter the VMware vCenter server SSO admin username in the SSO Administrator text box.
  5. Enter the VMware vCenter server SSO admin password in the SSO Password text box.
  6. Enter the VMware vCenter server root user password in the Root Password text box.
  7. Enter tag in the Tags text box to tag the analysis report.
  8. Click CHECK CONNECTION. It validates the credential by performing a login to the given VMware vCenter server.
    • If the connection is successful, you see the vSphere API connection is successful message.

    • RUN DIAGNOSTICS is enabled if the CHECK CONNECTION operation is successful.

    • If the error is observed while connecting to vCenter, the RUN DIAGNOSTICS is disabled and corresponding error message is displayed.

  9. To ensure the connection is happening on the intended VMware vCenter server, the thumbprint of the VMware vCenter server will be presented to you. You must validate the thumbprint before proceeding further.

    • If diagnostics is initiated successfully, you should get an alert with new task ID.

    • You can see the progress in timeline view as below:

    Figure 1. Analysis Tasks
  11. Once the analysis is complete, click SHOW REPORT button to see the analysis report.
  12. To download the analysis report, click the icon.