In default configuration all the Analysis Reports are saved perpetually. You can configure automatic deletion of past reports after a fixed retention period using Skyline Health Diagnostics User Interface.


  • Verify that you have shd-admin user credentials for the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics.

  • Verify that you can login to VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics HTML user interface.


  1. Log in to the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics UI.
  2. Click the Settings tab in the top-menu.
  3. Click the Configuration in the left pane.
  4. Select the property Report Retention Period to modify.
  5. Click on the edit button to update the property value.
  6. You can directly input the desired value or use the up or down arrow to increment or decrement the value.
  7. Click OK button to save the value.


Auto Deletion of Analysis Reports is enabled. Reports will be deleted automatically post the configured retention period.