This section applies only if the initial configuration is suspended due to weak password. The user sees VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics First Boot Password Manager page and the initial configuration gets suspended.

The VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics appliance requires strong passwords for both root and shd-admin user account. If the passwords do not meet the requirements, the initial configuration is suspended until you complete the initial configuration by entering a strong password using the Skyline Health Diagnostics UI. You can configure password for the VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics appliance as described in this section.


Verify that your workstation supports HTML5 and is connected to the Internet.


  1. Connect to VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics appliance using a Web browser (https://HOSTNAME_OR_IPADDRESS_OF_VMware_SHD).

    If you do not see a page with titled "VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics for vSphere - First Boot Password Manager", you do not need to perform any further configuration and your appliance is ready for use.

  2. Enter the details as requested.

    The password must contain at least 8 characters, have characters from at least 2 classes from Group 1 (lowercase alphabet, uppercase alphabet and numbers) and at least 1 character from the class group 2 (Special Characters)

    • Valid Character Class Group 1: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9]

    • Valid Character Class Group 2: [~!@#$%^&]

    For example,

    • Thi1sISV@lid

    • ThisIsVali$Too

    • ThisisnotVal1d

    1. You need to provide the passwords entered at deploy time and new password.
  3. Click SUBMIT to complete the configuration.
  4. After completing the appliance configuration, the appliance will reboot after one minute.


Initial password configuration for the appliance is complete.

What to do next

  • After appliance is rebooted , open a a Web browser and go to https://IP_OR_HOSTNAME_OF_VMware_SHD to access the user . The login page is displayed.

  • Log in using the credentials for shd-admin account.

  • Additional user accounts can be addedusing User Management Section under Settings in the UI.