You need to specify the Kafka/Kafka Cluster and DCF Controller credentials in the clientConnect.conf file and associate the Orchestrator, Kafka/Kafka Cluster and DCF Controller details in esm-param.conf file located in the Server Manager installation directory.

To specify credentials:


  1. At BASEDIR/smarts/bin , type the following command:

    ./sm_edit conf/clientConnect.conf

  2. Enter the following line for Kafka and DCC instance:

    kafka: <kafka_IP_Address>:<kafka_Username>:<kafka_Password>:<port>:<Discovery_Topic>:<Monitoring_Topic>

    dcc: < dcf_controller _IP_Address>:< dcf_controller _Username>:<dcf _controller _Password>:<Protocol>:<Port>

    You must add the line for kafka and dcc instances above the line for smarts admin user

    "*:*:admin:<E-1.0>94689C5A7C826FD58DDE9F62284A68191EC739743EA25E5E1F76FE493337D558" in the clientConnect.conf file.

    For example:


    Note: In case of Kafka Cluster add the details of any one Kafka broker.
    Note: server.conf file for the kafka installation has a property named “auto.create.topics.enable”. If this property is set then the discovery and monitoring topics are automatically created. If not, these topics need to be created manually.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. At BASEDIR/smarts/bin , type the following command:

    ./sm_edit conf/esm/esm-param.conf

  5. Enter the following line for Orchestrator, Kafka and DCF Controller

    # For providing single broker instance use below format.

    KAFKA-<Orchestrator_host_IP_address> <Kafka_broker_ip_address:port>

    # For providing multiple broker instances of a kafka cluster use below format.



    # For providing DCF Controller instance use below format

    DCC- <orchestrator_IP_Address> dcf_controller _IP_Address

    # For providing orchestrator instance use below format

    ORCHESTRATOR- <orchestrator_IP_Address> VELOCLOUD

    For Example:

    KAFKA-xx.xx.xx.xx zz.zz.zz.zz:9092,zz.zz.zz.zz:9093, zz.zz.zz.zz:9094

    DCC- xx.xx.xx.xx yy.yy.yy.yy

    # for providing usertype when Orchestrator is VELOCLOUD use the below format

    VCO_USERTYPE-xx.xx.xx.xx operator|enterprise|MSP

    VCO_USERTYPE-xx.xx.xx.xx operator

  6. Restart the Server Manager.