# For providing single broker instance use below format.
KAFKA-<Orchestrator_host_IP_address> <Kafka_broker_ip_address:port>
# For providing multiple broker instances of a kafka cluster use below format.
# For providing DCF Controller instance use below format
DCC- <orchestrator_IP_Address> dcf_controller _IP_Address
# For providing orchestrator instance use below format
ORCHESTRATOR- <orchestrator_IP_Address> VELOCLOUD
For Example:
KAFKA-xx.xx.xx.xx zz.zz.zz.zz:9092,zz.zz.zz.zz:9093, zz.zz.zz.zz:9094
DCC- xx.xx.xx.xx yy.yy.yy.yy
# for providing usertype when Orchestrator is VELOCLOUD use the below format
VCO_USERTYPE-xx.xx.xx.xx operator|enterprise|MSP
VCO_USERTYPE-xx.xx.xx.xx operator