@events = $session->getCauses( $objectname, $event [, $oneHop] );
The getCauses() function returns a list of problems that cause an event.
The function arguments are class, instance (possibly combined into one, for example, SM_System::SM-System), and event. The function returns the problems that cause the event based on the relationships among instances defined in the Domain Manager.
The oneHop parameter is optional:
If it is omitted or passed as FALSE, the full list of problems that explain eventname, whether directly or indirectly, is returned.
If it is passed as TRUE, only those problems that directly list eventname among the events they explain are returned.
The function returns an array of array references with the format:
[ [ <classname::instancename>,<problemname> ], [ <classname::instancename>,<problemname> ], ... ]
@causes = $session->getCauses( "Router::gw1", "MightBeUnavailable" );