To configure an Active Adapter Platform:

  1. Disable topology synchronization in the Active location so that the Active Adapter Platform does not synchronize with the underlying Domain Managers while the Domain Managers are still starting up. The Failover Manager synchronizes the Active Adapter Platform with the underlying Domain Managers.

  2. In the installation area where the Active Adapter Platform is running, go to the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory and open the bootend.conf file. Type:

    ./sm_edit conf/icoi/bootend.conf
  3. Change the value of suspendTopologyManager to TRUE. The value is FALSE by default.

  4. Save the file and exit.

  5. Install the service for the Active Adapter Platform on an Active server (host A) with the - -noregister mode using the command below. Also, install the service for the Standby Adapter Platform on the Standby server (host B) with the --noregister mode.


    ./sm_service install --force  --unmanaged  --startmode=manual \
     '--name=ic-icoi-server' \
     '--description=EMC Smarts SAM Adapter Platform Server' \
     '/InCharge/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_server' \
     '-n' \
     'INCHARGE-OI' \
     '--config=icoi' \
     '--port=11308' \
     '--ignore-restore-errors' \
     '--noregister' \
  6. Start the service in “Start the services for SAM, Adapter Platform, and BIM” on page 27.

  7. For the Active Adapter Platform, add the underlying IP Managers.

  8. Attach a Global Console to the Active Adapter Platform by specifying “<FQDN hostA>:<portA>/<ServerName>” in the Manager Name field of the Attach Manager Dialog Box. For example,

  9. From the menu, select Configure > Global Manager Administration Console.

  10. Add the IP Manager details under ICS Configuration > IC Domain Configuration . Right-click Domains and select New Domain.

  11. Specify the Active IP Manager domain name, leaving this connection initially enabled.

  12. In the Domain Creation Wizard, under Copy existing drop-down list, select the Domain Manager and click Finish.

  13. Apply the configuration change and reconfigure the Active Adapter Platform.